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 [#54] EWE Sole Survivor: January 31st, 2010

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[#54] EWE Sole Survivor: January 31st, 2010 Empty
PostSubject: [#54] EWE Sole Survivor: January 31st, 2010   [#54] EWE Sole Survivor: January 31st, 2010 EmptyWed Aug 17, 2022 1:55 pm

"Get through this" By art of dying is playing as the fans roar the opening of the PPV, Pyro goes up on the ramp and stage before spraying around the titantron. The camera flashes around showing the fans holding up their signs as Jonathan Steele is heard.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Welcome ladies and gentlemen to a sold out Reliant Stadium here in Houston Texas for Sole Survivor! I'm here with Jimmy Justice as always and we are amped for what is going to be an amazing show!

//Jimmy Justice\\ Some of the people here have travelled from different countries to be here tonight to witness this, you have to give them the credit for wanting to watch history unfold so much, and like you said everyone is amped and ready for this.. let's do it!

The theme song for the PPV fades as the camera zooms in to Jennifer sparks in the ring.

//Jonathan Steele\\ The fans have been awesome, let's hope the PPV matches the anticipation!

//Jennifer Sparks\\ The following contest is scheduled for one fall, where the winner will RECEIVE a Womens Championship Match at WRESTLEMANIA 6!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Despite what you at home may be thinking, yes I know this was advertised as a Divas Open Invitational Battle Royale

//Jimmy Justice\\ Due to only two divas entering however this match has been changed to a one on one match. A Womens Title Shot at Wrestlemania 6 is on the line

//Jonathan Steele\\ Here we go baby!


"So Hott" by Kid Rock electrifies on the sound system, as Houston, Texas go wild for the arrival of CHRISTY CHAOS. She hops out, shaking her hair, high fiving fans in the crowd, and then buzzes down into the ring

//Jennifer Sparks\\ Introducing first from Kansas City, Missouri, weighing in at 125 pounds.. CHRISTY CHAOS!

Christy stretches off the ropes, warming up, to a lot of pleasant whistles from the audience

//Jonathan Steele\\ Christy looks pumped up

//Jimmy Justice\\ Is she pumped up for the arrival of the new, and highly anticipated debut of AL.iC.iA Q

//Jonathan Steele\\ Please don't say here name like that. It's stupid

//Jimmy Justice\\ Will.I.Am from Black Eyed Peas does it!

The lights then dim, rainbow spotlight flashes on the ramp, and then the bubbly techno beat of "Starstrukk" by 30H!3 ft. Katy Perry bounces around to the arena, sending the crowd into a frenzy. Alicia Q dances out, cartwheel spinning at the top of the ramp to a huge ovation

//Jennifer Sparks\\ Introducing the opponent, making her EWE Debut, residing in Hells Kitchen, New York.. weighing in at 114 pounds.. ALICIA Q!

As the music continues to beat again, Alicia Q doublesteps down the ramp, and then in Melina like fashion shakes her booty at the ring apron, and then performs the splits as she enters, exposing the strap of her underwear underneath her skirt. This draws a huge cheer

//Jonathan Steele\\ Oh My Golly Gosh!

//Jimmy Justice\\ My Moms not gonna like doing my laundry after what I just did in my pants



Alicia Q circles around the ring as the bell sounds. She twirls, flips, spin, does the cha cha, confuses Christy Chaos, and then unexpectedly actually gets into match mode, catching Christy with a Cartwheel Kick drifting her slightly backwards. Alicia smiles at her, and Christly retaliates by leaping onto the ropes like spiderman, and then jumping off twirling, flipping, and spinning in the air, knocking Alicia down with a whisper in the wind

//Jonathan Steele\\ There is a lot of bouncing going right off the bat, and its giving me a headache
//Jimmy Justice\\ Why would you complain when girls bounce all over the place, there things jiggle, its great

Christy goes for a quick pin, but Alicia bumps out at 1. Christy goes aerial once again, jumping backwards for a moonsault, but she slams onto the canvas as Alicia rolls out of the way. Alicia quickly takes advantage performing a handstand. The crowd look pleased with her level of gymanistics, but don't seem to impressed, until she spins in the mid-air to turn the handspring into a standing moonsault. The crowd approve of that highly as Alicia goes for the cover and gets a 1..2..

//Jonathan Steele\\ Christy gets a foot on the ropes!
//Jimmy Justice\\ This is like a game of sonic, these two ladies ain't keeping still

Christy lifts herself up, and then furiously grabs Alicia Q by the her, and drills her face to the floor with a head wrenching Tornado DDT. She drags Alicia back up, slaps her in the face, and then batters her down with another head wrenching move, but this time a hurricanrana. She goes for the cover and gets a 1..2..Alicia gets a elbow up. Christy works on the head again, as she goes for a head scissors takedown, but Alicia counters with a tilt-a-whirl head scissors takedown. Alicia then follows it up, stretching her legs as she springs back off the top ropes for a Split-legged Sunset Flip! She lifts Christy legs up in the air, as the ref counts 1..2..

//Jonathan Steele\\ Christy breaking up the count again with a kick out! What is it gonna take for Alicia to win this match?

Alicia, decides to then slide Christy across the ring by pulling her legs into the centre of the ring, standing her upside down, and then placing her legs infront of Christy arms

//Jimmy Justice\\ Maybe this is what its gonna take. Christy is in trouble Steele, if she had any belief of going to wrestlemania, her FAITH IS ABOUT TO BE BROKEN

The crowd wonder what Alicia will do, she lets off a cheeky smirk


Christy is out cold, Alicia covers as the ref counts 1..2..3!!!

//Jennifer Sparks\\ Your winner, and the Number #1 Contender for a Womens Championship Shot at Wrestlemania 6.. ALICIA Q!

//Jonathan Steele\\ I can't believe it, in only her first ever match in EWE, Alicia Q is going to WRESTLEMANIA

//Jimmy Justice\\ What a dream start, what a fantastic debut, this girls got fire. If you didn't know who Alicia Q was before this, YOU DO NOW!

Alicia Q breaks down into tears of joys as she kneels down in the middle of the ring. The crowd clap, she hugs the referee, she hugs Jennifer, she slips outside the ring and hugs Jonathan and Jimmy. She then comes back in the ring, and kisses a knocked out Christy Chaos on the cheek. She's over static with joy as she heads to the back, to a huge ovation,the scene spins to the backstage area where Michaels Jensen is walking down the hall a grin on his face, he's stopped by Juan and Lord G Nutt.

//Michael Jensen\\ You two idiots again? Listen, I'm busy, you already proved that you don't care about this company... now if you don't...

Juan cuts him off.

//Juan\\ We said we're sorry, senior.

//Michael Jensen\\ Yeah, well sorry doesn't cut it when you don't show up half of the time.

//Lord G Nutt\\ We told you, Juan ate some kid..

//Michael Jensen\\ I don't want to hear it.

Lord G sighs, Jaun jumps in again.

//Juan\\ I'll cut the chase here, we don't know what numbers we are for the 30 man match later...

Jensen laughs.

//Michael Jensen\\ You don't have numbers, you're not entering.

Juan is shocked.

//Juan\\ Why not?!

//Michael Jensen\\ I can't trust you pair of idiots.

//Lord G Nutt\\ So we can't even be in the biggest match of the year so far?

Jensen shakes his head, the fans boo as they are fond of the team of man and 'gator.

//Lord G Nutt\\ But we've worked so damn hard for this company!

//Juan\\ No we haven't...

Juan and Lord G look at one another and shrug, then look back to Jensen.

//Lord G Nutt\\ We've shown up and been ragdolled and had guys rub their balls in our faces for like the last 3 months, cut us some slack.. atleast let us be apart of the show.

Michael shakes his head.

//Michael Jensen\\ The match is fully booked.

//Juan\\ He said show, not match, come on we have a perfect solution to this; THE CROC-PIT!

Michael looks curiously at the 'gator infront of him, who smiles.

//Michael Jensen\\ Alright, I guess you can do that... but I've heard all about you from your own mouth... I can't risk you eating anybody important..

He thinks... and then snaps his fingers.

//Michael Jensen\\ So you can interview somebody that I don't give a damn about...

//Lord G Nutt\\ Triple H? Shawn Michaels? Your wife?

The fans cheer as the injection of comedy from Nutt, Jensen seems unimpressed.

//Michael Jensen\\ No... you.

He pokes Nutt in the chest as he speaks, the fans cheer slightly as Jensen nods before walking off, Nutt and Juan look at eachother.

//Lord G Nutt\\ You try to eat me, I will kick your ass.

The camera pans back into the arena as the womens title flies onto the screen for the fans at home.

//Jonathan Steele\\ I'm looking forward to this match. We're finally gonna find out who the real Womens Champion is

//Jimmy Justice\\ Stolen titles, bitch talking, it gets settled tonight, these two ladies are gonna raise hell

//Jonathan Steele\\ Brooke McGuire may be the champion as of now, but in just a short time, her reluctance to not successfully steal her title back could come to haunt her, as it could leave forever with the true Womens Champion. Trish Stratus

//Jimmy Justice\\ Brooke was more fired up than I've ever seen her before. Is it enough to topple Trish?

//Jennifer Sparks\\ The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and if for the WOMENS CHAMPIONSHIP!

The subtle sound of giggles are heard, before "Time To Rock N Roll" by Lil Kim bootys its way on, to a huge chorus of boos. Trish Stratus comes storming out with the Womens Championship, parading it proudly much to the dislike of the crowd

//Jennifer Sparks\\ Introducing first the challenger from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, Trish Stratus!

"Bevery Hills" by Weezer bursts around the arena, sending the crowd wild with joy for the Womens Champion. She comes out with here eyes looked firmly at Trish, and a lot empty on her shoulder, where the Womens Championship should be. She ignores everyone else, and gazes at Trish with almighty anger, making her way down the ring

//Jennifer Sparks\\ The opponents from Hollywood, California, the EWE WOMENS CHAMPION, BROOKE MCGUIRE!!

//Jimmy Justice\\ Brooke appears to be seriously ticked off! Maybe its her period?

//Jonathan Steele\\ Brooke has had enough of TrishS games and mockery of her reign as champion. Its all business now Jimmy, Brooke is on a warpath

With both Brooke and Trish now in the ring, they go straight up to each other face to face, trash talking back and forth. Trish lifts up the Womens Championship, and Brooke tries to snatch it back, they end up having a tug of war. The ref quicklys grabs the belt from the both of them, and then presents it infront of the camera, before signalling for the bell



After telling the ding ding ding man to ding the ball we're underway. Brooke punches Trish in the nose, so Trish responds with a nail scratch on Brooke cheeks, Brooke pokes Trish eyes with her thumb, and then goes for a hairpull takedown. Brooke stomps on Trish repeatedly, running against the ropes and performing a hard elbow drop to the stomach. She slaps Trish around, but Trish chins her, and turns Brooke to the floor, and starts slapping her back.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Why are they fighting like a bunch of girls?
//Jimmy Justice\\ Uhh, maybe cuz they are?

Trish staggers back up, blowing her nails as she waits for Brooke to get up. Brooke reaches her feet and instantly turns around for a spinning heel kick, but Trish motions brilliant out of the way with a Matrix, and follows up with a bicycle kick, cracking Brooke hard in the jaw. Trish mounts Brooke on the turnbuckle, and executes a rear naked choke off the ropes

//Jonathan Steele\\ Despicable of Trish to rely on extra resources to try and down Brooke McGuire, shes very conniving
//Jimmy Justice\\ Another one bites the dust! Trish just shut that hoe up for good once and for all. What a kick! What a submission

The ref tries to get Trish to break the hold, but she declines to listen so he starts the 5 count. 1..2..3..4..Trish decides to let go, and then lifts her hands up as if shes done nothing wrong. She turns her back to Brooke as the ref checks to see if Brooke is ok. Brooke nods, standing back up, and then hitting Trish from behind and then laying her to the floor with a tornado ddt. Brooke makes an attempt for the Twist and Shout, but Trish quickly crawls to the ropes, before she can get it locked in

//Jimmy Justice\\ Where the hell is your biased commentary now huh? Brooke sneak attacks Trish from behind, but you failed to whine about that, but when Trish does it, it's the end of the world. You're a two-faced dick eating bellend. Go screw yourself Jonathan!
//Jonathan Steele\\ Trish shouldn't have turned her back on Brooke

In a fit of rage Jimmy punches Jonathan in the face, knocking him out, until the next match starts. Brooke drags Trish to the corner, and takes her up the ropes as she goes for a struck down, but Trish monkey flips her onto the mat. Brooke then attempts a hurricanrana off the top rope, but Trish blocks it, grabs her head and starts bulldogging the holy hell out of her, with a diving, one-handed, running and then a wheelbarrow bulldog. Brooke tries to get up, but is smashed down on her knees with a scorching Air Canada, as she lays the punches into her hard

//Jonathan Steele\\ Bloody hell, Trish Is taking it hard on Brooke
//Jimmy Justice\\ Shes just softening her up before the killer blow. Trish is gonna give us a lil piece of what we all like

Trish continues the onslaught of head damage on Brooke, grasping her back to her feet one last time, she points to the sky, and then runs with Brooke, jumping onto the ropes, and then flipping back for a face breaking springboard bulldog!

//Jimmy Justice\\ STRATUSFACTION!

//Jonathan Steele\\ There it is, this is over

Trish wastes no time covering Brooke as the ref makes the 3 count!


The crowd boo as Trish stands up smiling, the ref grabs the Womens Championship and passes it over as her music plays. She proudly lifts up what is now legitimately hers, posing on the turnbuckle, rubbing it into the fans faces. She hops off, turns around, and walks straight into a CHICK KICK!

//Jimmy Justice\\ What the hell?

//Jonathan Steele\\ Brooke McGuire just hit a Chick Kick on Trish Stratus!

Trish falls to the floor, dropping the Womens Championship. Brookes eyes light up, as she lifts up the Womens Championship off the floor, to a huge roar from the crowd

//Jimmy Justice\\ Someone stop her! She's stealing Trishs Womens Championship!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Brooke is giving Trish a taste of her own medicine. Last month when Brooke won the title, Trish stole it, and now Brooke is returning the favour

Brooke then flaps the Womens Championship on her shoulders, taking a bow for the crowd, she looks back at a fallen down Trish and then walking towards the back with Trish Womens Championship!

A promo for the main event is shown, highligthing the rules of the match, 10 start, 20 enter throughout the match, 20 will go by over the top rope elimination, 9 will go by pinfall or submission, 1 will survive.

The scene pans out instantly inside the ring where several
palm trees and a large paddling pool nearly filling up the entire ring can be
seen set up. Also, hanging beside the ring is a mini plasma television which a
"Juan 9000" logo stuck on the bottom. Suddenly, Bif Naked's cover of "We're not
Gonna take it" begins to blare over the PA system. After a few seconds, Juan
tears through the curtain... literally... to a massive ovation from the crowd in
Houston, Texas. Juan tips his sombrero slightly and makes his way down the ramp
way... slapping the hands of many fans along the way. Juan slides into the ring
and dives into the paddling pool. Meanwhile, the time keeper nervously slides a
microphone into the ring and scarpers back to his seat. Juan then takes the
microphone and begins to address the crowd...

//Juan\\ Ladies and Gentlemen... Welcome.. to the debut of... The Croc Pit!

Crowd cheers.

//Juan\\ I am very excited to be here tonight in... (grins) ...Houston, Texas.

Juan gives the crowd a big thumps

//Juan\\ But what I am not excited about is the fact that me and The Lord himself have been kept out of the royal rumble
match where the winner is guaranteed to main event Wrestlemania. I was so
disgusted I took a dump on Mister Jensen's desk... then I had it out with the
man. I can't say he was too pleased; he'd just spent two hours polishing that
desk. It was even shinier than his head...

Jonathan can be heard laughing along
with the crowd.

//Juan\\ I think it's time that I stopped blabbering and get on with introducing the Croc Pit's very first guest for this
evening. Ladies and Gentlemen... he hails in from across the pond and is the most Lordliest of Lords. He's my best friend and yours... Lord G Nutt!

"We're not Gonna take it" by Bif Naked blares over the PA system once more. A few moments later, Lord G Nutt makes his way out with a big grin on his face. He does a goofy little dance to the amusement of the Houston fans. Lord G Nutt paces down the ramp way and walks up the steel steps; entering the ring in between the ropes. Lord G Nutt climbs into the paddling pool and sits beside Juan, who hands him a microphone.

//Lord G Nutt\\ It's an honour and a privilege to be here tonight in--

//Juan\\ What are you doing? You can't go for the cheap pop; I already did that.

//Lord G Nutt\\ Well, what can I do then?

Juan whispers into Lord G Nutt's

//Lord G Nutt\\ What's up, Houston! Make some noise because The Lord is in the hizzouse!

The crowd erupt into a chorus of
cheers for EWE's odd couple.

//Lord G Nutt\\ Now as Juan was telling you, it's very exciting to be here tonight. But we are a bit annoyed that we've been
left out of the rumble match. Especially since we both had planned on co-winning
the rumble and going onto Wrestlemania against the Champion in a two on one
all-you-can-eat-shrimp-cocktail handicap match for the EWE Championship. But
whatever; we're not usually ones to complain...

//Juan\\ Yeah. We're not Kandi Washington.

//Lord G Nutt\\ Didn't she get released?

//Juan\\ I heard she requested it. Couldn't handle that nobody would suck on her left tit or something. I wanted to. I was
tempted, I won't lie to you. But after the Jenna Jameson incident, my parole officer told me--

Lord G Nutt laughs nervously.

//Lord G Nutt\\ Anyway, Juan... lets not dwell on things. Our goal is to be come the Tag Team Champions. Pure and simple.
I reckon if we play our cards right, we could be wrestling for those belts at
Wrestlemania. Imagine that, eh?

Juan grins.

//Juan\\ I can't think of anything more immense than walking out of Wrestlemania with the tag team straps. Especially if
its with you.. my best--

//Lord G Nutt\\ Alright, don't go on... jeez. You'll start to get people talking.

//Juan\\ I think we've gone way off tangent.

//Lord G Nutt\\ Well, what did you expect? I'd come out here, you'd ask me a bunch of shit questions and we'd all have a
good laugh about it?

//Juan\\ Well... yeah...

Juan pulls out a script from his

//Juan\\ It says so right here in the
script. Last thing I want to do is anger the big wigs and end up wrestling on
just house shows. I've got a baby croc to think about! I've already been
financially fucked in the arse by the taxman...

Lord G Nutt snatches the script from Juan's hand and tears it up.

//Lord G Nutt\\ But I'm the Lord. I don't follow the script. I spit on the rules, get dragged into hellacious scenarios
and get a slap on the wrist at the end of it. It's been the way for as long as I can remember.

//Juan\\ You're right... FUCK THE RULES!

Juan suddenly grabs a camera man and swallows him whole.

//Lord G Nutt\\ Well... I didn't mean
breaking the rules to that extent.
(sighs) That's another trip to Jensen's

//Juan\\ Sorry.

A crew member climbs up onto the apron and whispers into Lord G Nutt's ear...

//Lord G Nutt\\ For fuck sake. Looks like we've been summoned to the boss' office. Come on, you. Let's go and see what Jensen has in store for us.

//Juan\\ As long as it's not bondage. He isn't hooking my nipples up and giving me an electric shock.

//Lord G Nutt\\ ...You don't have any

Juan looks down at his chest.

//Juan\\ Oh... yeah.

Lord G Nutt shakes his head.

//Juan\\ Good night, Ladies and Gentlemen... you've been absolutely beautiful!

"We're not Gonna take it" plays
over the PA system once again. Lord G Nutt climbs out of the paddling pool and
out of the ring... walking up the ramp with water dripping from his drenched
suit. Juan soon follows on; slithering out of the pool and heading up the ramp
way behind Lord G Nutt. The scene then fades to black as the duo are seen
disappearing behind the curtain.

The camera pans back to the arena as "AWEEEEESOOOOOOOOOME" is heard over the PA, the fans boo as "I came to play" is heard, The Miz walks onto the stage with his title around his waist, he looks around at the fans before raising his arms into the air and yelling something.

//Jonathan Steele\\ This match is one that the fans will be delighted to see.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Title for title, baby. I can't wait to see that man there bring him the international title.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Of course, this is a night inwhich all the gold could once again head back to the industry, Trish has already captured the womens title tonight.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Four times!

Miz struts down the ring, he grins to the fans who are still hurling abuse at him, he then sprints down the ramp and slides into the ring climbing to his feet he springs onto the ropes and updoes his belt, raising it into the air with one arm.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a 2 out of 3 falls match and is a title for title match, Introducing first from Cleveland, Ohio he weighs in at 231 pounds, he is the current and defending eWe Mid-Eastern champion Mike 'THE MIZ' Mizanin!

The fans boo as Miz jumps down from the corner and spins raising his belt up again, suddenly "The Enemy" breaks in over the music, once more the fans boo obviously disliking both of the men in the match. Mr. Man shoves the curtain aside and walks onto the stage, spitefully looking towards the fans who boo him. He holds the International title on his shoulder, and wears his normal ring attire.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Well, neither of these guys has really put themself over her as a fan favourite.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Only mugs panda to the fans, Jonathan. These two get the job done, that's why they are both champs.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Well, only one of them will leave here as a champion.

Manny walks down the ramp, ignoring the fans altogether as he keeps his eyes on the man in the ring, his hand continues to support the title over his shoulder as he gets to the bottom of the ramp and then moves towards the steps.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ and the opponent, from Miami, Florida he weighs 235 pounds, He is the reigning and defending international Champion, Mr. Man!

A slight smirk appears on the lips of Manny for a moment as he climbs onto the apron, the fans booing towards his introduction, he bows between the middle and top ropes to climb into the ring, before lookign up to his opponent for the match, The Miz. The pair exchange a few words from across the ring before Manny hands the ref his title belt and moves back as his theme fades, the ref, now in possesssion of both belts raises them into the air and then hands them to the timekeeper, he calls both men into the middle of the ring to go through the rules, both men looks straight at one another the whole time trying to get some kind of mental advantage.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Look at the staredown between these two men as the referee goes through the final rules.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Both men want this, Steele, both men want it bigtime.
The fans start to chant abusively towards both men in the ring, the ref sends the pair back to their corners, they both turn to go but Miz spins abck and charges Manny from behind hitting him with an axehandle to the back, sending him crashing to the floor! The fans boo as Miz stands over his opponent, the bell ringing to start the match.


THE MIZ (c) vs. MR MAN (c)

Miz grabs Manny and drags him up kneeing him in the gut and sending him over the ropes, but Manny hangs on, and ladns on the apron, he turns and hits Miz with a right but Miz nails a right of his own and Manny has to jump back off the apron, Miz climbs through the ropes and kumps down but Manny hits a kick in the cut and grabs him lifting him over and landing a suplex onto the ramp! Instantly the fans seem to be liking the match as a few cheers are heard.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Instantly the miz is slammed onto the ramp!

Mr. Man climbs to his feet and grins he pulls Miz up and slams his head off the side rail which stops the fans from getting involved in the match, the ref counts the 3 as Manny looks down at Miz who falls to his knees. He then grabs the Mid-Eastern champion by the head and slings him down the ramp towards the ring, Miz rolls over to the floor before getting to his feet he tursn around and swigns wildly but Manny blocks and hits a thumb to the the eye, the ref breaks the count to warn the Miami resident about his conduct, Mr. Man then rolls Miz into the ring and slides in pushing the shoulders down 1....2... Miz rolls the shoulder up.

//Jimmy Justice\\ That was a close one for Miz.

Manny rolls Miz over and puts him in a chin lock, Mix quickly powers to his feet and charges Manny into the corner slamming him against the turnbuckle hard, causing him to break the hold he then grabs the head of Manny and rolls over taking him down into a headlock on the mat, Manny counters by using his legs to get Miz by the head and pulling him with with almost a leg sleeper but Miz pushes up so Manny is firmly on his back the ref counts 1...2... Manny has to break the hold to kick out.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Smart by Miz!

//Jonathan Steele\\ He nearly got a pin and a fall there.

Manny climbs to his feet and the pair exchange blows for a while to Manny falls to his knees, Miz hits the ropes and comes back with a knee to the head and then grabs Manny and goes for the neckbreaker but Manny instead catches him with a backslide 1.... Manny flicks his feet up to the ropes for the leverage! ...2.......3! Manny drops his feet down fast, the ref doesn't even realise!

//Jimmy Justice\\ Mr. Man has a fall!

//Jonathan Steele\\ He had his feet on the ropes!

//Jimmy Justice\\ Miz won't like it, but it's all fair in my eyes.

//Jonathan Steele\\ I can't say that I would put that kinda thing past the Miz, he's a slippery customer, too!

//Jennifer Sparks\\ Mr. Man has pinfall, 1-0 to Mr. Man.

Mr. Man raises his arms in the air and turns away, Miz climbs to his feet holding the back of his head, he looks to the ref and then questions him but he's clueless, Miz spins around and without a second through rolls Manny right down grabbing a hand pull of trunks, h elooks back and then grabs the ropes, of course the referee is blind and counts 1....2.....3!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Miz steals one right back.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ The Miz has a pinfall, 1-1.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Manny cannot complain, he did it first I guess.

Miz looks around and smirks, the fans seem to be enjoying watching both men cheat one another here. Miz keeps his brain switched on and backs away from Manny so the ref can help him back to his feet, which he does. Manny knows what happened and complains to the ref that Miz had a handful of trunks, not knowing Miz also had the ropes.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Mr. Man trying to make a point here, that's rich.

Miz shouts across for Manny to stop complaining, this makes the International champ angry and he charges towards Miz but Miz kicks him in the knee senidng him down to one knee, Miz them steps back and nails a picture perfect shining wizard, before pinning 1....2.. Manny kicks out.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Another close fall, this match could have been done right there.

//Jonathan Steele\\ If it was I'm sure it would have broken the record for faster ever 2 out of 3 falls match.

//Jimmy Justice\\ I dunno but we've doubtlessly had one or two douchebags no show this kinda match.

Miz climbs to his feet and stalks Manny he grabs him and goes for a skull crushing finale but Manny hits an elbow in the gut and then grabs the head of Miz slamming him into the mat with a sharp spike DDT, he then rolls his opponent over and grabs the legs pulling them up for a 1....2... Mizanin flicks his shoulder from the mat.

//Jonathan Steele\\ So many close calls, so many near falls.

//Jimmy Justice\\ You should be a poet.

//Jonathan Steele\\ You think?

//Jimmy Justice\\ No.

There is a silence on the commentary, in the ring Manny climbs up and drops a leg drop, he gets up again and hits a few kicks to the side of Miz before pulling him up and hitting a suplex, he rolls the hips and hits a second suplex this one slightly delayed, he rolls his hips again and lifts Miz into the air, delaying longer this time before planting him down onto the mat again! The fans cheer a little, just enjoying the match, not really liking either of the two.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Big moves!

Mr. Man climbs to his feet and looks down to Miz he grins and then looks to the corner, obviously thinking about the future splash, he looks around and then nods turning and heading over the side of the ring, he climbs onto the apron and then up the outside of the turnbuckle, using the ropes to steady himself as he climbs up to the ropes.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Miz is in trouble!

Miz suddenly grabs the ref pulling him between himself and Manny, before the ref can react Miz shoves him back into the ropes, unbalancing Manny who staggers and then jumps over the ref to the canvas, the ref is caught though and bends holding the back of the head.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Manny just lands on his feet.

//Jonathan Steele\\ The ref caught one though, he looks hurt.

Manny holds his knee looking to Miz in the middle of the ring who is trying to get up, he's about to home in for the kill but suddenly from behind..

//Jonathan Steele\\ WAIT! RKO!! RKO!!!

Orton plants him with an RKO! Orton slides under the ropes lowering himself at the side of the ring, Miz looks at manny and laughs slightly he he grabs Manny and drags him slightly slapping him to bring him round before stepping back, he then turns and grabs the ref helping him, so that he doesn't suspect a thing.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Orton is gone, and now look at Miz.

//Jonathan Steele\\ This is a plan! A plot! A ploy! This has been written up...

//Jimmy Justice\\ and now you are watching it be played out to perfection..

The ref holds the back of his head but looks, just in time to see Miz connect a knee to the head and then catch Manny as he spins and drop him with the neckbreaker!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Reality check!

Miz then grabs the legs 1....2.....3! "I came to play" is heard again, the fans boo as Miz gets to his knees holding his head in shock.

//Jimmy Justice\\ He did it!

font color=dfba6c>Miz gets to his feet holding his arms in the air as the fans boo him still the ref tries to grab his arm to raise it but Miz pulls back and tells him to go and get the titles.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of the match, he is still the Mid-Eastern champion and now the NEW International champion, Mike 'THE MIZ' MAZANIN!

Miz grabs his title and holds them both in the air looking out at the fans, he smiles wide celebrating his huge win, Manny rolls over holding his neck, having taken 2 massive finishing moves in a row.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Like the way they do it or not, the industry has once again pulled of a master stroke..

//Jimmy Justice\\ and this very second, they have ALL the gold in this company.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Not quite, but that can change next... because White Tiger will defend his half of the tag titles against Chris Jericho, after this!

Miz is still celebrating the win as the scene fades off.



2nd Chance Elimination Chamber

As HBK gets in the ring the Chamber slowly starts to lower. As it does "Toxic"(The Instrumental) hits the PA system!...Toxic comes down with his new International Title and enters the ring. Then Suddenly "If Ya Smellll" hits the PA the crowd erupts with Cheers as Rock heads down the ramp and poses on a turnbukle. Then White Tigers music hits as he enters. Then a countdown comes on the titian tron. 5....4....3....2....1....WHAM!!! Fireworks go off as "King of my World" by Saliva hits and Jericho is posing on the ramp. He then goes down the ramp and enters the ring. As he enters "THE GAME" by Motorhead hits the PA system...the crowd boos as HHH comes out on the stage with Ric Flair at his side. He has a water bottle that he pours water all over his head then takes a drink but doesn't swollow as he tosses the bottle into the crowd. He then gets on the apron as Flair has to stay outside. He then spits the ater into the air before posing on a turnbukle. As he is posing "Word Life" hits the PA system as the crowd cheers!...John Cena comes out with the World Title on his waist. He goes down the ramp and slides in the ring just as the chamber finishes lowering. Cena hands the Title to HBK as he raises it the bell rings.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} HERE WE GO!!!!

The 6 men start brawling...The Toxic goes for White Tiger....HHH goes for Jericho....Cena goes for Rock....Later WT and Toxic are fighting on one side out side of the ring....Rock and Cena on the other...and HHH & Jericho are in the ring. Cena FU's Rock onto the Chamber Floor and covers sending Rock to be locked in a Chamber to wait until the 2nd Chance Round. WT slams Toxic into the Cage Wall!!!....He then takes Toxic to a turunbukle and gives him the Struck Down!! onto the Steel Chamber floor!!...Toxic is pinned then sent to his Chamber.

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} Ouch!!...that had to hurt Toxic!!!..well he'll get another chance to win the the 2nd Chance round.

WT gets in the ring and starts fighting with Cena....WT then locks Cena in the Tiger Snare...as Cena strugles to get to the ropes...HHH sets Jericho up for the Pedigree but he counters and locks in the Walls of Jericho!!!....Both Cena and HHH are both in pain as they are desperately trying to reach the ropes. HBK is asking both if they want to give up....finally both Cena and HHH tap at around the same time.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} A double tap out by White Tiger and Jericho!!!...both Cena and HHH has had their 1st eliminations!!!

as HHH and Cena get locked up in their chambers Jericho and WT stare each other down. They lock it up. As they continue fighting...Ric Flair slides a Sledge Hammer into HHH's Chamber. Jericho slings WT into a turnbukle. WT goes for the Struck Down but Jericho counters with a superplex!!!...Jericho gets back up and goes for the Walls of Jericho on WT!!!...WT starts screaming!!....He desperately trys to reach the ropes...He gets VERY CLOSE within an inch of reach until Jericho pulls him to the other side of the ring...WT continues to fight out of it in extreme agony...he once again gets real close to the ropes and Jericho once again pulls him across the ring. WT still won't give up...he starts pulling Jericho back across the ring a 3rd time...Jericho then applys full pressure by sitting all the way down in the middle of the ring..WT screams more...after being stuck in the middle for a couple of minutes WT finally taps!!..WT rolls over holding his back as the other Chambers are released for the 2nd Chance round!!...HHH is the 1st in the ring. He smashes Jericho in the skull with the Sledge Hammer busting him wide open and knocking him out!...HHH covers and gets the 3 count sending the 1st survivor to his Chamber finally....Toxic then slams Rock through a glass Chamber!!!...he eliminates Rock!!...HHH and Cena fight as Toxic starts on WT...Cena goes for an FU but HHH whips Cena into the ropes then spinebusts him back through a glass Chamber!!!...He eliminates Cena guranteeing a new World Champion!!!

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} Cena just got eliminated!!!

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} We are guranteed a new World Heavyweight Champion!!!...as we are now down to the final 4 who wants it more?!!....Toxic...White Tiger...HHH and Jericho gets his 2nd Chance when 1 of these 3 are left!!!

Toxic continues to kick the shit out of WT...Until HHH comes over with the Sledge Hammer in hands and smashes him in the rib cage!!!...He then sets him up for the Pedigree....HBK suddenly nails HHH with the Sweet Chin Music!!!...Toxic covers and HHH gets eliminated!!

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} What the Hell?!!!...Shawn Michaels just screwed Triple H out of the World Title!!!!!

[ 'Puppy Lovin' King ]~} Bad Call by Vince!!!...you call this Parctail ref calling?!!!

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} Well Evolution has helped him win his previous matches...it's about time he got a taste of his own medicine!!!

Toxic and WT then start to fight. Toxic Takes WT down with numerous amount of DDT's..Toxic then climbs a turnbukle and gets on top of Jericho's Chamber....He flys off in hopes of connecting the DWI onto WT!!!...WT rolls out of the Way and Toxic crashes into the mat...HARD!!!...WT rolls over and covers him getting a 3 count!...Jericho's Chamber then releases.

[ 'Good Ol' Jim Ross ]~} Toxic just eliminated himself!!!...now we have reached our final two!!...White Tiger and Chris Jericho!!!...who's going to be the new World Heavyweight Champion?!!!

Jericho and WT stare eachother down...They then exchange rights and lefts. Both men very tired. Jericho is already a bloody mess from HHH using the Sledge Hammer to eliminate him the 1st time. WT's back in an extreme agony from the Walls of Jericho being held on him for about 10 minutes before he finally tapped earlier in the 1st round. So both have been brutally punished so far and they are still going at it because the World Title means so much to them. They slam eachother into turnbukles...and Steel Chamber Walls!!...and deliever DDT's on the Chamber floor..Jericho sets WT for the Walls of Jericho on the outside of the ring. WT keeps fighting it and won't let him lock it in. Jeircho then slingshot him through a Glass Chamber!!!!...WT get's busted open!....Jericho drags WT and puts him on a turnbukle...WT trys for the Struck Down but Jeiricho counters and delivers the same move down onto the Chamber Floor!!!...Jericho then centers WT on the outside and nails the Lionsault!!!..he gets the 3 count!!...and is crowned by HBK!!!

Winner and NEW EWE World Heavyweight Champion:Chris Jericho
Jericho as tired and beatin up as he is celebrates his victory..HHH gets up as the Chamber is raising. He starts to pursue HBK but HBK slides out of the ring and high tails it up the ramp. HHH chases him. HBK goes through the curtains...but before HHH can go through The lights go out and Lighting Strikes the Stage making HHH jump 10 feet back!..."Graveyard Sympathy" hits the PA system as a Promo plays on the titian tron. HHH looks on from the ramp as does Jericho from the ring. The Show comes to an end with this left on the Screen




To Be Continued

Date: January 31st, 2010
Venue: Reliant Stadium - Houston Texas
Theme: "Get Through This" by Art of Dying
RP Turnout: 37 RolePlays


Gaz: The Croc Pitt

JAY: Sole Survivor Match

Abdul: Christy Vs. Alicia

Luke: Rest of the Card

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Join date : 2020-08-09

[#54] EWE Sole Survivor: January 31st, 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Sole Survivor 2010 Part 2   [#54] EWE Sole Survivor: January 31st, 2010 EmptyWed Aug 17, 2022 1:55 pm

The camera's return to the live action as the lights fade down and on the screen numbers are shown, a voice is heard 5.....4......3.....2....... Pyro bursts from the stage as the fans boo, "Break the walls down" is heard in the arena.

//Jonathan Steele\\ A very, very appropriate wrestlemania recall there, and can you believe that was the first ever wrestlemania Jimmy?

//Jimmy Justice\\ It was a good match, let's hope these two provide just as good a match for us here tonight.

Chris Jericho walks onto the stage, he looks around at the fans and slowly shakes his head at the reception he is getting from the fans. He wears black wrestling trunks with black boots, both of which have his name printed across them in white. He chuckles slightly as he walks past a particularly abusive fan before he reaches the bottom of the ramp, he hops onto the apron on one knee and then pulls himself up pushing his back to the rope he hooks his arms back over it and peers out to the fans.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a submission match for one half of the eWe Tag team championships, introducing first he hails from Manhasset, New York and weighs in at 226 pounds, Chris Jericho!

The boo as he stands looking out to them through his introduction, he then turns and places his leg through the ropes lowering himself into the ring before walking casually across, he looks to the ref who is speaking to him but he doesn't seem interested and instead turns around looking at the fans, a look of pure disgust on his face, he turns around to face the stage as his music slowly fades.

//Jimmy Justice\\ These people wonder why he hates them, listen to this abuse?

//Jonathan Steele\\ I firmly believe that he brings this kinda response on himself with his actions, and the things that he says about the fans. When was the last time he spoke without mentioning the fans as idiots?

//Jimmy Justice\\ If the cap fits, Steele.

The lights slowly come up as the voice is heard over the tron...


"Welcome to the Jungle" by Guns n Roses is heard in the arena, the fans cheer as the legendary White Tiger walks onto the stage carrying the eWe tag title belt in his hand, he looks out to the fans and grins wide, the response compared to Jericho's is awesome, he holds his belt in the air and points to the fans before he walks down the ramp.

//Jonathan Steele\\ This match should throw up some interesting questions as well as give us some answers, but one thing that will have crossed alot of peoples minds is, what is better The walls of Jericho or the Tiger Snare, we'll find out..

//Jimmy Justice\\ Well, no, if you win this match that doesn't mean that your finisher is more effective, it means that you have performed better over the course of the match than your opponent, simple.

Tiger slaps the hands of the fans on the ramp was he walks down towards the ring, Jericho looks angry as he glares at the title in the hand of his opponent, the title that he thinks should be around his waist.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ and his opponent from Rawlins, Wyoming he weighs in at 229 pounds, he is one half of the eWe tag team champions, WHITE TIGER.

The pop is loud, Tiger bows his head in appreciation to the fans as he walks up the steps before hopping onto the apron, he turns around and looks out to the fans before climbing into the ring. He holds his title up in one hand and points out to the fans who are still going crazy, he then gives the belt to the ref who holds it up for all the fans to see, the music fades as the ref shows Jericho the title.

//Jonathan Steele\\ I know that Tiger has been wanting to get his hands on a memeber of the industry again for a while now, this is his big chance, he gets the chance to make one of them suffer.

//Jimmy Justice\\ I'm sure Chris is thrilled to have the same opportunity, you bias moron.

The ref gives the belt to the timekeeper and then signals the bell, starting the match.



The fans cheer as Tiger quickly bounds from his corner towards Jericho who is slightly more reserved, they lock up and Jericho pulls the legend down for a headlock but he pulls his head back and wraps his arms around the guy of the former International champion in a waist lock, Jericho swings his arm back elbowing Tiger in the jaw once, twice and then oulls his hands off and turns around locking it up with him, Tiger drops down and brings Jericho down with an arm drag before picking the arm and hooking him in a hammerlock on the mat, Jericho reaches for the ropes but he's in the middle of the ring as the fans applaud Tiger's wrestling.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Jericho in a hammerlock here, middle of the ring, and this match has started off with a very technical stand point..

//Jimmy Justice\\ Jericho has always been a good wrestler as has Tiger, and in this type of match positioning is everything so you should expect alot of mat wrestling.

Tiger uses the hammerlock to control Chris as he spins over and takes up a chinlock, pulling Chris' head up but Jericho fights to his feet and hits a few shots the the gut to break the hold, once he's out Jericho locks up with the legend again, Tiger goes for the same again but Jericho hits a quick knee to the gut and then drills him with a fight to the side of the head, Tiger staggers to the side, Jericho runs in and hits a knee lift under the jaw knocking Tiger flat on his back. He arrogantly struts away from the knee looking to the fans who boo.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Or, Chris might not go the obvious way and just knee him in the face... ya know.

Jericho turns around and walks back grabbing the head of Tiger and lifting him he throws him into the corner and climbs up holding the head of the veteran in place while he delivers straight rights, some of the fans still count but most just boo, Jericho stops after 12 punches and then looks out to the fans raising his arms in the air, the fans boo.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Arrogance already on show from Chris Jericho, here.

Jericho's arrogance costs him though as Tiger powers from the should carrying him to the middle of the ring by the legs and then drives him to the canvas hard, Tiger keeps hold of the legs and instantly steps over rolling the self-proclaimed KIng of the world onto his stomach and into a Boston Crab, the fans cheer as he wrenches back on the legs of Jericho, who screams and reaches for the ropes, but he's in the middle of the ring.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Jericho is in trouble here in the early goings, He's in the boston crab!

//Jimmy Justice\\ Come on Chris, get out of this, it's not a tough one.

Jericho finds the strength the flip tiger off with his legs, sending the hall of famer crashing onto the mat hard after flipping in the air, Jericho gets to his feet and hits a clothesline on Tiger as he gets up, Tiger rolls over and returns the favour, Jericho gets up and hits a swift dropkick to the knee sending Tiger face planting, he quickly moves over and wraps his arms across the head of Tiger, applying a camel clutch!

//Jimmy Justice\\ See, just like that Tiger is in trouble!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Locked in the middle of the ring, Tiger needs to find something here!

He screams and reaches for the ropes but as Steele has just said, he's in the middle of the ring. Tiger stuggles and claws his way towards the ropes just before he can get there Jericho hits a fore arm over the face and pulls him back, applying it once more in the middle of the ring, the fans boo as the ref asks Tiger if he wants to give up, to which he answers with a 'no'.

//Jimmy Justice\\ That's what makes Jericho so damn successful, he could see that Tiger was going to make it to the ropes so he did something about it.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Like him or not, it was a wise move.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Wise? It was brilliance, Steele.

Tiger screams in pain he reaches back and grabs the leg of Jericho trying to pull it away but it's firmly clamped down out of desperation he gains some power and manages to battle up to his knees and then to hi feet which Jericho still clinging on to his back, the fans cheer for Tiger but Jericho lets go and while on the back hits forearms across the face again, Tiger falsl back slamming Jericho the mat hard but Jericho clings on and grabs a sleeper, the fans boo but Tiger rolls over and climbs up again slamming Jericho down a second time in the same way, forcing him to break the hold.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Tiger is free, now can he get a shift in the momentum here.

Tiger turns around and grabs Jericho as he gets up hitting a belly to belly, he turns around and backs to the ropes climbing up into the corner signalling for Struck Down, he jumps off but from no where Jericho lifts his foot timing it perfectly to hit Tiger right in the nuts, the fans scream as Tiger bounces off the foot of Jericho and rolls over to the floor, screaming in agony.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Oh my god!

//Jimmy Justice\\ What a shot! What brains!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Brains, it's illegal!

//Jimmy Justice\\ I think you'll find this is a submission match!

Jericho argues with the ref who didn't like that, but like Jimmy says it's a submission match, Jericho walks over and grabs the head of Tiger pulling him up but Tiger returns the favour crashing his fist into Jericho's crotch as he wrenches him up, Jericho goes down holding his groin, both men remain down for a few moments in agony as the fans chant "Let's go Tiger!"

//Jonathan Steele\\ There you go! Have it back!

//Jimmy Justice\\ Oh, you're not questioning it when lover boy does it, I see.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Both men are down, can you believe this match?

//Jimmy Justice\\ Hey, don't ignore me!

Both men slowly stuggle to their feet holding their manhood, Jericho lunges at Tiger but he's caught and dropped with an atomic drop, the fans cheer as Tiger hits the ropes and comes back but Jericho ducks the clothesline, Tiger comes back and Jericho catches him with a drop toe hold and then scampers into a headlock as Tiger gets back up, Tiger lifts Jericho but he flips back, Tiger turns around and Jericho jumps up going for a codebreaker, but the hall of famer shoves him back.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Nearly got the codebreaker!

Jericho lands on his feet and kicks Tiger but the legend catches that, Jericho jumps and nails the enzaguri knocked Tiger over. Jericho gets up and runs stringing from the ropes and landing a brilliant lionsault, the fans boo as he gets to his feet and looks around gesutring the title around his waist, a grin on his face as he grabs the legs of Tiger and looks down.

//Jimmy Justice\\ That's all she wrote now for Tiger.

Jericho starts to roll Tiger but he fights back using his weight to stop it, he then kicks Jericho back, Jericho grabs the legs again but WT flings him back again getting to his feet, Jericho comes in and swings but Tiger ducks and catches him perfectly in the Tiger Snare, but Jericho grabs the ropes instantly the ref breaks it!

//Jonathan Steele\\ So close then, he had it!

//Jimmy Justice\\ Jericho is aware of where he is in the ring at all times.

Tiger backs up from Jericho, who is telling the ref that Tiger poked him in the eye, The ref looks to Tiger who is innocent but nevertheless he has a word why Jericho holds his eye.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Give me a break, Tiger never touched your eye!

//Jimmy Justice\\ How the hell do you know?

Tiger walks in and grabs the arm of Jericho pulling it away, instantly Jericho bounds into the air and connects the codebreaker! The fans boo as he pops to his feet and grins looking around again.

//Jonathan Steele\\ See!

//Jimmy Justice\\ Tiger started that!

Jericho grabs the legs of the Legend and looks around before stepping over and applying the walls of Jericho, this brings the legend round almost instantly as the pain increases he screams and reaches out for the ropes but once more Jericho has him in the middle of the ring.

//Jonathan Steele\\ The walls of Jericho is locked in!

//Jimmy Justice\\ YES!

Tiger screams and stretches his arm out but the rope isn't close he screams and crawls pulling Jericho before slumping the mat and reaching out, the rope is closer but still he can't reach it, Jericho cranks the pressure up more as he leans back, Tiger screams loud.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Tiger can't get the ropes, he's in trouble!

Tiger crawls again reaching out grabbing ahold of the rope, but Jericho drags him away stright away back to the middle of the ring, the ref jumps in and tells Jericho to break the hold because Tiger had the ropes, but he doesn't.

//Jimmy Justice\\ He should have to break the hold, he doesn't have the ropes now, ref!

//Jonathan Steele\\ that's the rules! BREAK THE HOLD YOU THUG.

Tiger suddenly pulls his leg free as Jericho argues with the ref, he rolls over onto his back and boots Jericho in the chest sending him staggering off, Jericho runs in as Tiger gets up but Tiger levels him with a clothesline, he backs off and runs in hitting a second clothesline before he grabs Jericho as he stands and lifts him up hitting a backbreaker! The fans cheer.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Tiger getting a run together.

Tiger climbs the ropes and stalks Jericho jumping off he plants him with the Struck down! He then pulls Jericho up over his knee and applies the Tiger Snare! The fans cheer as Jericho flails, Tiger falls down and applies a body scissors gripping the head of Jericho hard and pulling back.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Get out of it Chris!

//Jonathan Steele\\ The snare is locked it!

Jericho screams as he flails, he has no where to go, he yells that it's not legal but the ref knows it is, Jericho has tried all he can, he has to tap, and he does, Tiger cransk it up once more to send the message as the ref calls the bell, the fans cheer as Tiger rolls Jericho off him and climbs to his feet.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ The winner of this match and STILL one half of the eWe tag team champions, WHITE TIGER!

"Welcome to the Jungle" is playing as the ref gives the belt to Tiger, he holds it into the air and nods his head pointing to the fans, he looks to the camera and is clearly heard saying, "Now it's your turn Edge."

//Jonathan Steele\\ Yes it is! Edge has gotta defend his half now.

Tiger climbs from the ring and walks up the ramp with his title, he turns and holds the belt up in the air as the fans continue to cheer, Jericho is laying in the ring holding his head looking up at Tiger, clearly angry. The camera moves to the back where Trixi stands next to Cameron Hayden

//Trixi\\ Ladies and gentlemen, I'm stood beside one of the entrants to the Sole Surivivor match, Cameron Hayden.

The fans boo, Hayden looks around slowly, a smirk slightly showing on his lips.

//Trixi\\ Cameron, you've not had a brilliant time as of late in this company but this a huge chance for you to turn it around... do you think you can do that?

A wry smile appears on the lips. He swallows deeply as he shuts his eyes for a second.

//Trixi\\ Well?

//Cameron Hayden\\ I've never been one to promise anyone anything in this company Trixi, you know that I'm not the kind of guy to just sit on my ass making promises about what I am going to do, but this is different, I'm not going to tell you that I will win this match, but I am going to make a single promise, to you, to the fans, to everyone, and that's I am going to make an impact.

He chuckles slightly.

//Trixi\\ What do you mean by that?

//Cameron Hayden\\ I mean, that after tonight my name is going to be on EVERYBODIES... lips.

He laughs walking away leaving Trixi standing there, still confused. She shrugs and looks around.

//Jimmy Justice\\ You have to wonder what he means by that?

//Jonathan Steele\\ I'm sure we won't have to wait long to see what he means, but we have more important matters to deal with, because now Jimmy.. it is time..

The camera cuts back to the arena.


The fans cheer as they heard the voice, the music blares into "The Game" by motorhead as the fans start to go crazy.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a Tables, Ladders and Chairs match, and will be enforced by THE BIGSHOW, introducing first the challenger from Greenwich, Conneticut, he weighs in at 255lbs, The Game, Triple H.

The camera's show the Big show stood at Ringside looking up the ramp, Triple H walks out onto the stage as the lights dim he steps into the spotlight remaining on the stage, he pours water over his head and then slowly looks up as the ligth shines casting shadows down his face. The fans are still going nuts. He walks down the ramp slowly looking out to the fans either side of him.

//Jonathan Steele\\ This is the match that The Game has been waiting for ever since he was screwed out of his title nearly two months ago.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Screwed? He lost the belt, you need to get over that, he has a damn chance to win it back, he should be grateful after all that he's done.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Orton and Jericho screwed that man walking down the ramp, and it was at the commands of Michael Jensen. You know it, I know it.

//Jimmy Justice\\ You suck, Steele. Get over yourself.

Hunter walks down the ramp and then up the steps looking to the Big Show for a few moments before he steps to the apron and walks to the middle, leaning down he raises his arms into the air but doesn't spray water, he then looks out to the fans and shakes his head gesturing the belt around his waist before climbing into the ring, he walks over the canvas slowly his eyes down on the ring, the lights slowly come up.

//Jonathan Steele\\ This rivalry has gone through a hell of a lot, directly and indirectly, but now it's time for both of these men, mainly Edge, to put up or shut up.

Triple H looks around for a few moments, he looks to the stage, his eyes locking onto the ramp as the smoke slowly starts to pour out the lights going down again.


The fans cheering for the challenger soon turns into booing as "Metalingus" is heard, the eWe champion shoves the curtain aside and walks onto the stage, leading Trish out behind him. He stops on the stage with Trish beside him and raises his arms, the camera moving down to the eWe title which is locked around his waist, he holds the eWe tag title on his shoulder but the newly crowned womens champion is titleless after what happened to her.

//Jonathan Steele\\ and here is the champion, The rated 'R' Superstar, Edge.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ and the opponent, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada he weighs in at 250 pounds, being accompanied by Trish Stratus, he is one half of the eWe Tag team champions and the reigning and defending eWe Champion, The Rated R Superstar, EDGE!

Edge jumps up and down a few times before walking down the ramp leading Trish behind him, he seems cool as he looks to the man he'll face before smirking wide. He gives Trish a kiss on the cheek before walking up the steel steps and onto the apron, he looks Big Show and even slaps his hand in a high five in a huge show of arrogance towards the rules, it's clear Big Show is far from a neutral in this match. Edge climbs into the ring and tags his title from his shoulder holding it into the air, he then unstraps his eWe title and holds that up too, grinning wide again.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Look at that, two titles, that's just how good he is.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Talk about disrespect for the game earlier, high fiving the supposedly impartial enforcer..

//Jimmy Justice\\ Hey, Edge is not responsible for the actions of the enforcer in this match.

Edge looks around at the tables and ladders laid out at ringside, The Table is set up with a ladder infront of it and two chairs on it, the ref takes the eWe and tag belt from Edge and gives the tag to the time keeper before raising the eWe to show all the fans it, he then pases that to the time keeper and signals the bell.



As the bell sounds the fans roar for The Game, the pair look at one another a slight grin appears on the face of the challenger, he signals for Edge to bring it. Edge now seems less confident as he clearly swallows hard, the pair come together and lock up, Triple H pushes Edge back to the corner and Edge is quick to complain to the ref who tells Triple H to move back, as The Game looks to the ref for a moment Edge hits a thumb to the eye and follows up with a right hand, the fans boo as Edge hits a second right.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Already he's resorting to cheating...

Edge knees The Game in the cut and then grabs his arm and tosses him to the corner he steps in and catches Trips by the leg lifting him and planting him with a flapjack! The fans boo as Edge gets to his feet and raises his arms in the air, he smirks and then looks to Show at ringside pointing to a chair, Big Show grabs the chair and passes it into the ring to Edge, he watches the game up and then slams the chair right into the head, Triple H staggers back but doesn't fall down, Edge looks around and then steps in and swings the chair again crashing it into the top of his opponents head, the fans scream in awe as Triple H falls flat on his back!

//Jimmy Justice\\ Triple H is in trouble here, did you see that chair shot?

//Jonathan Steele\\ The Game is a veteran, don't count him out.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Give me a break.

Edge throws the chair to the floor and then slides out of the ring, he speaks to Big Show and then the pair turn the table over and fold it up sliding it in together.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Look at this, Big show has no intention of remainin impartial, this is a farse.

Edge gets into the ring and sets up the table, he then grabs Triple H and knees him in the cut grabbing him and setting him up for the suplex through the table, he grabs the trunks and lifts the challenger up but The game managers to use his weight to put himself back down he then reverses suplexing Edge onto the canvas, the fans cheer, as he The Game rolls over flicking his hair from his face.

//Jonathan Steele\\ There it is!

//Jimmy Justice\\ He has a small chance here.

Edge slowly sits up holding his back, Triple H looks around and grabs the chair from the floor, he looks at Edge as he slowly stuggles to his feet, taking the chair in both hands he watches Edge to his feet and then swings the chair over head, but before he hits Edge he pulsback and jabs the top of the chair into the gut of the champion!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Shot to the gut!

Triple H then slams the chair into the head of the champion dropping him, he turns and throws the chair at the enforcer at ringside before going for the pin 1....2... Edge rolls the shoulder out, Triple H is getting to his feet but he's pissed Big Show off and as he does the giant grabs him by the thought and plucks him from the canvas and into the air, yelling into his face.

//Jimmy Justice\\ You shouldn't have done that!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Get the hell outta the ring you fat idiot!

//Jimmy Justice\\ I hope he heard that.

Triple H kicks Big Show in the head with the flat of his boot as he's held in the air, Show staggers and lets Triple H down and the game hits him with a right and then another, Big Show staggers back the game hits the ropes and comes back but Show nails him with a boot in the head, the fans boo as Show looks down to another fallen victim, he then grabs him and lifts him to his feet throwing him out of the ring. The ref is yelling at show the whole time but he doesn't care, he climbs out and picks Triple H up tossing him spine first into the the barricade.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Oh give me a break.

//Jimmy Justice\\ What? Big Show was minding his own business and Triple H tossed a chair at him.

Big Show laughs as the fans abuse him he pulls Triple H up and drops him chest first over the baricade but lifting him up and whipping him over to the steps, The Game slams spine first into the side of the steel his head whipping back and slamming into the steel too. The fans boo as Edge slowly rolls over holding the top of his head in the ring, he sees what's going on at ringside and grins, he rolls to the Edge of the ring to get some attention from Trish as Big Show continues to dominate The Game.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Look at this, Edge doesn't even need to do anything.

Big Show pulls Triple H up and then lifts him dropping him head first onto the apron, he picks up the ladder and stalks the game before running the top of the ladder into the face of Triple H, the fans scream in awe as the Game flies a good 5 feet back before landing on the matting at ringside again. Big Show throws the ladder down onto the game just adding that extra bit of insult, he grins and pulls him up by the hair, the camera's getting a good view of the blood pouring from a wound on the head of the challenger.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Oh my word.

//Jimmy Justice\\ This is why you don't ever, ever mess with Show.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Give it up, this is disgusting, Triple H just wants what's his, why does Edge and the rest of the industry have to do this sorta thing?

//Jimmy Justice\\ Edge has done nothing, it's all been the Big Show.

Edge, by now has recovered almost fully, he's in the ring telling show what to do, and that's put Triple H in the ring, which he does, Edge looks down at Trips and laugsh before falling down and hooking the leg, The ref falls and counts 1....2... Triple H rolls his shoulder from the mat, the fans cheer.

//Jonathan Steele\\ BUT HE IS NOT DONE YET!

Steele's excitement is matched in the arena by the fans, Triple H isn't really fighting fit though, Edge grabs him by the hair and hits a series of right hands into the head, right into the open cut, he then takes the time to wipe the blood from his fist into the face of his opponent, he laughs and grabs the legs hooking them up again 1....2... Triple H kicks out again.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Another kick out, The Game won't give up yet.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Just give up.

Edge looks around and shakes his head he backs into the corner and lowers himself gesturing his opponent to get up, Triple H slowly rolls over trying to get to his feet.

//Jonathan Steele\\ This could be bad for the game!

Triple H slowly stands and turns around, Edge charges and connects a massive spear taking the challenger down to the mat with immense force, the fans boo as he looks around after the spear a grin on his feet he slides across the ring back to his opponent and hooks the leg nodding his head with each count 1.....2...... KICK OUT! Edge looks around his eyes wide as the fans cheer.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Are you kidding me?!

//Jimmy Justice\\ You have to be freaking kidding! How the f..

Edge grabs his head in complete shock he climbs to his feet arguing with the ref, Trish yells in for him to keep his focus, he turns around and drags Triple H to his feet, he's nearly lifeless how he managed to kick out is a mystery. Edge pulls Triple H to his feet and leads him to the table rolling him onto it, he then points to the ladder at Ringside which Big show slides in, Edge sets it up and then nails Triple H in the head a few times before climbing up the ladder..

//Jonathan Steele\\ Edge is settling something up here, and It doesn't look like it's going to be fun for the game.

//Jimmy Justice\\ He's dominant, he just needs to find something that will keep Triple H down, a brain would be one thing but he doesn't have one of those.

Edge climbs the ladder quickly and then steps over so he's sat on the top his feet on like the 3rd from Top step he stands up nad steps back onto the second from top rung looking down at his opponent, he jumps from the ladder lifting his elbow falling through the air quiick, but Triple H rolls from the table and out of the way and the champ plunges straight through the table and onto the floor. The fans roar on for Triple H now as Edge lays in the debris.

//Jonathan Steele\\ He missed it, is this the opening that The Game needs?

Triple H slowly rolls over but falls off the edge, he doesn't know where the hell he is and drops right to the floor, Edge lays in the debris screaming, Big Show and Trish get into the ring and as Show clears the debris Trish tends to Edge.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Triple H is out here at ringside, he has no idea where he is.

//Jimmy Justice\\ He's taken a hell of a beating.

Big Show helps Edge up and leans him in the corner, Edge points out to where Triple H rolled out and says something, Show nods and climbs out of the ring walking around the side of the The Game is at, he looks down and laughs but his expression soon changes to shock, the camera cuts to Ringside just in time to see Triple H nail Show in the gut with the Hammer!

//Jimmy Justice\\ He has that damn hammer!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Now it's a TLCH match!

//Jimmy Justice\\ You suck, you've used that damn line before.

//Jonathan Steele\\ I know, I know.

Triple H battles to his feet and uses the end of the hammer to nearly take the head of the giant off, leaving him flat out at ringside, he slowly gets into the ring still the hammer in hand, Edge out of no where charges him for the spear but Triple H quickly changes that and counters with an inverted knee drop, Edge bounces up and HHH takes the hammer and levels him with it too! The fans cheer as he drops the hammer and falls down making the cover 1....2... Trish dives in to make the break, the fans boo.

//Jimmy Justice\\ yes!

//Jonathan Steele\\ That hussy has just cost him the title!

//Jimmy Justice\\ Hey, don't call her that!

Triple H slowly gets to his feet he's still completely ruined from the beating, Trish goes for a chick kick but he catches her leg and grins, saying something to her, she shakes her head and begs but he nods he then pulls her in and plants her with the spinebuster much the delight of the fans!

//Jonathan Steele\\ SPINEBUSTER!

He hops up and does his pose before crotch chopping her, he turns around and pulls Edge to his feet kicking him in the gut and connecting a pedigree, the whole arena roars as he rolls the champion over 1....2.... Edge rolls the shoulder out!

//Jimmy Justice\\ YES!

//Jonathan Steele\\ You have got to be kidding!

Triple H shakes his head as he climbs to his feet, he turns around just in time to be grabbed by throat by Big Show, the fans boo but HHH kicks the massive man in the balls sending him to the floor, he then staggers back against the ropes holding his head which is still pouring blood.

//Jonathan Steele\\ The game disposes of Big Show, but does he have it in him to finish the match?

Edge slowly rolls over holding his head he staggers to his feet picking up the chair from the mat, he turns around and walks towards the game the chair over head, then out of no where the game charges in and take Edge with a spear, the chair going flying!

//Jimmy Justice\\ No!

//Jonathan Steele\\ Spear!?

Triple H slumps on Edge as the fans roar, they didn't expect that, The ref falls and counts as the game stuggles to pull the leg up 1.....2.......3!

//Jonathan Steele\\ He got it! He did it!

The ref signals the bell as "The Game" starts up, the ref goes to get the title, Triple H hardly moves.

//Jennifer Sparks\\ The winner of this match and the NEW eWe Champion, The Game, Triple H!

The fans appluad as The Game slowly fights up to his feet, clearly battered and brusied from his encounter with Edge and the big show.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Against all the odds he's done it, he's done it Justice, we have a champion, Edge's reign of terror has come to a stuttering halt here.

//Jimmy Justice\\ Edge has a rematch, he'll win it back.

//Jonathan Steele\\ I bet he won't have to earn that rematch either... like that man did, and I bet he won't have the odds all stacked against him like that man did either.

The ref gives the game the belt and he raises it into the air, he looks weak as the blood covers his face, the title belt glistening the light of the arena as the fans still clap for him. He looks at Edge and walks to the ladder slowly climbing up it, he lifts one leg over the top and sits on the top with a leg either side, holding the belt in the air in celebration.

//Jimmy Justice\\ This is rubbish.

Triple H stands up balancing carefully holding the belt up as high as he can, the fans suddenly stop clapping and start to boo.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Hey, wait, wait!

The panic is unnoticed the camera pans back as Cameron Hayden slides into the ring behind Triple H he walks behind the ladder and rushes it rocking it, Triple H grabs on turning around to see Hayden just before the ladder goes and he's dumped not only from the ladder but through the remaining table and to the floor at ringside! The fans boo as Hayden looks down, the music fading.

//Jonathan Steele\\ The Game through the table at ringside, what the hell?!

Hayden laughs as he looks to the man at Ringside, he then raises his arms into the air as the fans boo towards him.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Why the hell did he do that?

//Jimmy Justice\\ I have no idea, to make a point?

Hayden drops the mat and slides from the ring picking up a chair he takes it and using the top edge slams the chair into the chest of the new champion over and over again, picking his spot with each shot to maximize the damage.

//Jonathan Steele\\ Someone stop him.

hayden then drops the chair and turns walking up the ramp, turning around halfway he looks to Triple H who's laid out, the EMTs coming past Hayden as he holds his arms in the air in celebration of his assault.

//Jimmy Justice\\ I can't explain why that just happened.

//Jonathan Steele\\ We have an amazing match next, but this match and this night has been tainted by that man.

As Steele speaks about Hayden the camera once more goes to the back, there's a shot of the former International Champion Mr. Man standing there, looking pissed off at the result of his match. As he looks on, Kenny Greenwood would come in the picture with a microphone.

//Kenny Greenwood\\ "Mr. Man, you just had a very difficult match against The Miz. What do you think about that?"

Mr. Man looked ready to snap, but decided against it, just looking at Kenny.

//Mr. Man\\ "Kenny, everytime I do this. EVERYTIME!"

The sight of Mr. Man shouting obviously confused Kenny as well as began to freak the man out.

//Mr. Man\\ "I'm tired of winning a title then losing it a month later! I'm tired of all the disrespect I get! Damnit, Kenny, I am tired of this damn company! So, I'm going to make a vow, I may not be International Champion, but tonight if I lose the Sole Survivor match, then I am leaving EWE indefinately!"

Mr. Man then walked away from Kenny, looking very intense and focused, as we head to the ring for the next match.

To Be Continued
Date: January 31st, 2010
Venue: Reliant Stadium - Houston Texas
Theme: "Get Through This" by Art of Dying
RP Turnout: 37 RolePlays


Gaz: The Croc Pitt

JAY: Sole Survivor Match

Abdul: Christy Vs. Alicia

Luke: Rest of the Card

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Join date : 2020-08-09

[#54] EWE Sole Survivor: January 31st, 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Sole Survivor 2010 Part 3   [#54] EWE Sole Survivor: January 31st, 2010 EmptyWed Aug 17, 2022 1:56 pm

The Following contest is tonight's featured main event, and it is the 2010 and first ever Sole Survivor Match!!

The crowd roars as Jennifer smiles and nods.

In this match, 10 superstars will begin the match, every entry number completely random, barring the 5 entries named this past week on HeatWave. Whenever a superstar is thrown over the top rope, and both feet hit the floor, that individual will be eliminated from the match. Whenever someone is eliminated, a new superstar will enter the match, keeping 10 in the ring at all times. Once the 30th Entry comes down, we will be in the Final 10...with the final 10 eliminates the Over the Top Rope rule. As the Final 10, The Eliminations will occur via Pinfall and Submission under Extreme Rules!...When 20 Superstars are eliminated Via Over the Top Rope, and both feet hit the floor, and when the last 9 has been eliminated via Pinfall or Submission. That will leave only the 2010 and first ever Sole Survivor!...Who will then go on to headline WrestleMania 6!

The crowd once again cheers in Jennifer's in depth description of this historic match.

Poor Jennifer, what a mouthful..

Forget her, this will be a great match, I can't wait!

The familar tune of "Sexy Boy" cues over the PA System, which gets the crowd to roar as HBK dances out on stage. HBK bends down on his knees, saying a prer to himself before throwing his arms up, cuing the fireworks behind him. HBK quickly springs back to his feet and dances his way down the ramp.

Introducing Entry #1...From San Antonio Texas, weighing in at 225 pounds....The Heart Break Kid...SHAWN MICHAELS!

Such a disadvantage Jensen has put Shawn at..

Oh would you quit belly aching...so what, Jensen made Shawn #1 and Dean #2...don't forget LAW retaliated making Industry members Jericho & Orton #'s 3 & 4.

Ya I know.....if anyone could overcome these odds, it's Shawn Michaels.

You're referring to the fact he was the first person to win a Royal Rumble from the Number One Entry...let me remind you though, this isn't The Royal Rumble...this is Sole Survivor...rather then starting with one opponent...he has 9...all the way until the final 9.

HBK rolls into the ring and does his normal pose before "TNT" by ACDC hits the pa speakers. Dean walks out getting another good reaction from the crowd.

Entry #2...From Lawrence Kansas, weighing in at 250 pounds....The Dean of Mean....DEAN WINCHESTER!

Dean continues down the ramp and enters the ring, he smiles and shakes Shawn's and the pair look up the ramp as his music fades. Pyro shoots off on stage, which is abruptly followed by "Break Down the Walls" which causes the crowd to boo as Jericho steps out center stage and stops to smirk.

Entry #3...Representing The Industry....from Manhasset New York...Weighing in at 226 pounds....CHRIS JERICHO!

Jericho continues to casually walk down the ramp, with a cocky grin on his face. He walks up the steps and stops, as he points over to the WrestleMana 6 logo in the rafters and then motions a title around his waist, the crowd boos in disagreement. Jericho then enters the ring, where HBK and Dean look him over. Jericho's song soon cuts, and is quickly replaced.


The crowd boos as Orton slowly makes his way out on stage.

Entry #4...Also representing The Industry....from St Louis Missouri...Weighing in at 245 pounds....RANDY ORTON!

Orton continues down the ramp, with no emotion on his face, he just keeps his eyes locked on the WrestleMania 6 Logo. Orton climbs into the ring and briefly glimpses at his 3 opponents, not seeming to care as he brushes them off and climbs the turnbukle, doing his normal pose. Orton gets back down as his music fades away.

That's the last entry announced by Jensen and LAW this past week on HeatWave.

With the exception of The Miz who won Number 30...the rest, 5 through 29...are completely random.

With that "Get Through This" by Art of Dying (which is the SS Theme song and will play throughout the night during this part) as the titan tron shows pictures of various EWE Superstars, one picture at a time, but they start shifting faster and faster until they are un-reckonizable. The tron finally stops on one, which quickly fades off, along with it goes the music as "You drove me to it" by Hell is for heroes hits the PA System. Adam Webb steps out on the stage, getting a mixed reaction from the fans who still don't know him that well yet.

Entry #5...From Palm Bay Florida...Weighing in at 203 Pounds....ADAM WEBB!

Webb continues down the ramp and enters the ring. His music fades out as the same random process happens again, until the images stop again. "Black" by Pearl Jam hits the PA speakers and out comes Adam Black, who once again the fans ain't familar with.

Entry #6...From Las Vegas Nevada...Weighing in at 235 pounds....ADAM BLACK!

Black continues his way down the ramp and enters the ring. He looks over his other opponents. The random process happens again, which cues "Violence Fetish" by Disturbed to hit the PA speakers. The crowd instantly boo and chant "You Walked Out!" over and over at Jason Phoenix who walks out seemingly un-affected.

The fans are right, he did walk out, so why he is in this match?

Because he signed up for it...just because his handler walked out without even saying anything...obviously because her PMS pal freaked out over noone talking to her after a couple days...whatever the case, they signed up, we still get to use them as filler...it's in the e-fed Handbook.

There's an e-fed handbook?

Well their should be...it'd make things so much easier.

Entry #7...From Miami Florida...Weighing in at 242 pounds....JASON PHOENIX!

Jason slides into the ring while the other opponents shake their heads at him, he can't figure out why, until he notices a sign stuck to his back. "My Friend's a crybaby" Jason balls the piece of paper and throws it out of the ring in frustration. The Random Process happens again, which happens to be Dave Wilson. "Breathe into me" by Red hits as Wilson makes his way towards the ring.

Entry #8...From Belfast, Northern Ireland...Weighing in at 256 pounds....DAVE WILSON!

Wilson rolls into the ring that has started to become full. Wilson's music fades, and Get Through This hits again cueing the random process. The images stop again and "Medal" hits over the PA Speakers as Kurt Angle steps out. Angle stops in the center of the stage and points straight up, as red, white and blue pyro shoots off behind him.

Entry #9...From Pittsburg Pennsylvania...Weighing in at 240 pounds....KURT ANGLE!

Word on the street, this is Kurt Angle's last match...he failed to re-new his contract.

Nah, a couple days before Jay posted the Expired Contracts list, Angle PMed him about losing internet...so The Main Event Mafia is being put on Leave of Absence, he shouldn't have to lose his characters over this, he's a good dedicated roleplayer..

I thought I was the one that does the OOC stuff.

Well we both have since this match began.

And the match hasn't even officially started yet.

which means this should be fun.

Angle enters the ring during all that talking, which cues the final Random Drawing before the start of the match. "Big Dreams" by The Game hits causing a mixed reaction from the crowd as Snake steps out on stage.

And now the last person to start this match...at Entry #10...From Mexico City, Mexico...Weighing in at 265 pounds....The Baddest Man on the Planet..SNAKE!

Snake continues down the ramp and enters the ring. Snake's music starts to fade away as the 10 superstars start looking eachother over. The head ref on the outside points over to the time keeper signaling for the bell.

#1 Contender for EWE Championship @ WrestleMania 6
30 Participants, But only One Sole Survivor

History in the making Steele, the first ever Sole Survivor Match is under way!

This is sure to be a great match.

Just as soon as the bell rang, HBK gives Jason Phoenix a superkick sending him right on over the top, and to the floor!

ELIMINATED: Jason Phoenix (Via Shawn Michaels)

You gotta be kidding..

Jay doesn't take to walk outs, without even telling him, nicely...Angle, Kurtis & Lewis will prob be the 3 no shows who get treated the nicest in this match, as Jay knew they'd no show...other no shows, oh well...and people who walk out, without even telling Jay...really bugs him.

Isn't that what he did to ECW-R?...He just stopped showing up..

Well he lost internet Monday...

No, this was WAY before that..

Jimmy, we really have a match to call here.

While the other superstars begin scrapping, the random pictures begins on the titan tron again, this time leaving Brutality. "Unreasonable" by Diabolic ft. Rhyme Asylum hits as Brutality walks threw the curtains.

Now introducing Entry #11...From Greenwich Connecticutt...Weighing in at 355 pounds....BRUTALITY!

Possibly the biggest entry in this whole match..at nearly 8 feet.

There's no doubt about it Steele.....good luck getting him out.

Brutality continues down the ramp and joins the other competitors in the ring. With HBK vs Jericho, Dean vs Orton, Dave Wilson vs Snake and the two Adams going at it, that leaves Angle for Brutality to go after. The fighting rages on, until Adam Webb gives Adam Black a hurranicanna over the top rope, while Webb lands on the apron, Black lands on the floor.

ELIMINATED: Adam Black (Via Adam Webb)

Webb quickly climbs back into the ring before anyone can knock him off, while the titan tron is configuring the next entry. As the titan tron stops, "Till I Collapse" Eminem ft Nate Dogg hits over the PA speakers, and the crowd cheers as Kurtis Porter steps out on the stage.

Entry #12...From Detroit Michigan...Weighing in at 230 Pounds....KURTIS PORTER!

K~Dawg continues his way down the ramp and slides into the ring, immediately starts trading shots with Adam Webb. Jericho sends HBK to one corner, Orton sends Dean to another. As Brutality slams Angle down to the mat, Orton and Jericho double drop kick Brutality, sending him back against the ropes. Jericho grabs Angle as he was getting up and quickly hits him with a codebreaker! As Angle bounces up into the ropes, Orton quickly dashes and clotheslines him over the top, hitting the floor.

ELIMINATED: Kurt Angle (Via Jericho & Orton)

And another one bites the dust..bye bye Kurt, enjoy your vacation

What happened to every man for theirself?

What you all need to realize, The Industry is a well oiled machine...not even a Sole Survivor Match can break their allegiance..

Until they are the only ones left...then we watch the group fall apart.

While I do agree The Industry will be the last 3 left...you're dreaming to think it will tear them apart..

The random process begins again until it stops.


"Crank It Up" by Brand New Sin continues while everyone in the ring looks on in shock as pyro shoots off on stage and The Big Show walks through the curtains.

Entry #13...Representing The Industry...From Tamp Bay Florida...Weighing in at 485 Pounds....THE BIG SHOW!

I don't believe this..

Well it looks like there's another Industry member to join the mix...how sweet..

You gotta believe, Jensen set up this entry.

So what if he did..you and I both know there was a few vacant slots...Jensen didn't break any rules handing one to his body guard.

Big Show enters the ring, and is immediately double teamed by Dean & HBK, Show just quickly shoves them both off. Adam Webb tries his luck next, but is met with a hard right hand. Orton & Jericho stand by and laugh at their large friend demolishing the other opponents. Big Show now meets Brutality, maybe the one person in this business, bigger than him.

Look at this comparison.

Only in EWE can you see this!

Big Show and Brutality shove eachother back and forth a couple times, Big Show then balls up his right fist and hits Brutality with the hard right. Brutality staggers, but doesn't fall, Big Show seems shocked, but gives him a second shot, which this time knocks him down. Out of the corner of his eye he sees K~Dawg coming at him, who he quickly drops with a big boot. Jericho and Orton try to double team Brutality, both trying to shove him over. Big Show is about to give them a hand, when he's hit in the back by Snake. Big Show turns around and grabs Snake by the throat. Dave Wilson now shows up, Big Show grabs him with his other hand. Big Show smiles, then double chokeslams them both, over the top!

ELIMINATED: Snake & Dave Wilson (Via The Big Show)

My god the power, how can anyone stop that?!

Forget that, two eliminations at once?...What happens now...Two people come out instead?

I would presume..

Brutality kicks Jericho and Orton off of him, Brutality gets off the ropes and locks eyes back with Big Show. They stare at eachother for a moment, until the titan tron does it's thing, which cues familar annoying music. By familar I mean from WWE, as Big Show and Brutality, and anyone else concious looks confused up the ramp as "You Look So Good To Me(Remix)" cues and out walks Santino on the stage in his normal fashion, of over the top.

Entry #14...From Calabria Italy...Weighing in at 227 Pounds....SANTINO MARELLA?

What the heck is he doing here?

Don't act so surprised Jonathan...You know fully well about Fillers, you've seen many of em in EWE's long history. With the 2 vacant slots...and the Mystery Entry being a douche...there's 3 Fillers...Big Show was obviously one of them, this is the 2nd..

Well I done knew that ooc reason...I meant the In Character Reason, duh..

Jensen is a rich man, he paid a couple WWE Stars to take part in EWE for one night?

A couple...you know who the other Filler is don't you?

Maybe, but I ain't saying either way..

Santino continues down the ramp, posing the whole way. He stops at the end of the ramp and mocks everyone in the ring, until his music cuts and the random process begins again, Santino seems a little upset about it, then it stops. "Smart Went Crazy" by Atmosphere hits and the crowd explodes as Sean Lewis walks out on the stage with a smile.

Entry #15...From Minneapolis Minnesota...Weighing in at 209 pounds....SEAN LEWIS!

Half way through the pack, and who better than Mr Over-rated?

Your jealousy for Sean Lewis, amazes me..

Lets not forget White Tiger, DX & Dean Winchester...basically anyone who opposes The Industry...cause I'm like totally an un-official member..

If you say so..

It's true...in fact, I'm not supposed to say anything...but I'm The Industry's official spokesman...it's so briliant...nWo had a ref as a member...The Industry has a commentator...so at least they know one of the announcers ain't talking trash about them..

Santino still ain't happy about Sean Lewis interupting his intro, and in his mind, thinks he's better than Sean. Santino looks at Lewis and says "Watch how this is done". Santino rolls into the ring, and is immediately clotheslined right back over by Dean Winchester.

ELIMINATED: Santino Marella (Via Dean Winchester)

That was quick..

I guess he's not sick of embarrassing Santino..


Jay watched DK play Road to WrestleMania with Dean awhile back..


Santino gets up and starts throwing a tantrum. Lewis smiles and pats Santino on the back, before sliding into the ring, that just makes Santino flip out more. As Santino is forced up the ramp by security, the titan tron flips through the images again. "BOOM" by POD hits which causes boos from the crowd as Johnny Chaos walks through the curtains.

Entry #16...From Kansas City, Missouri...Weighing in at 232 pounds....The Extreme One...JOHNNY CHAOS!

Johnny continues down the ramp and slides into the ring, gunning straight for Dean Winchester. Johnny spears Dean to the mat, then mounts him and starts punching him repeatidly.

I take it, he found out.

Well he cheats on her, whats the difference?

You seem like the type that believes in two wrongs don't make a right.

Johnny continues his assault on Dean, while the rest of the competitors keep going at it as usual. Kurtis Porter whips Jericho over the top, but Jericho lands on the apron. Porter tries to shove Jericho off, but Orton comes from behind and dumps K~Dawg over the top, to the floor.

ELIMINATED: Kurtis Porter (Via Randy Orton)

Surprise surprise, The Industry works together again..

Just get over it Steele, it's a force that won't be broken.

Kurtis gets up, seeming dissappointed. Meanwhile Jericho steps back into the ring, while the pictures randomize once again. "Golddigger" by Kayne West hits the PA as Christian Taylor steps out on the stage.

Entry #17...From Orlando Florida...Weighing in at 215 Pounds...CHRISTIAN TAYLOR!

Christian continues down the ramp and enters the ring. Meanwhile Sean Lewis and Adam Webb are trading shots. Lewis whips Webb into the corner, Johnny sees Lewis by the ropes and gets up off Dean. Johnny races acrossed the ring and clotheslines Lewis, but Lewis brings him with him, causing them both to be eliminated.

ELIMINATED: Johnny Chaos & Sean Lewis (Via Eachother)

Johnny tried getting himself some revenge, from Lewis eliminating him in the last Royal Rumble.

But it backfired, as Lewis drug him with him, in effect, eliminating him again.

The slide show starts up on the titan tron again, but at the same time another elimination happens...as Dean is getting up, Christian charges at him, but Dean quickly side steps, then grabs Christian by the back of his head and dumps him over the top rope.

ELIMINATED: Christian Taylor (Via Dean Winchester)

The tron has now stopped as a huge explosion occurs on the stage, the flames stay as "Man on Fire" by Jim Johnson continues to play and Kane walks through the curtains, with a bunch of confused looks again.

Oh my god!

The last filler Steele..

Entry #18...From Hell Fire and Brimestone...Weighing in at 323 pounds...KANE!

Kane continues down the ramp and stops at the end, he raises up his arms and throws em back down, which causes the 4 turnbukles to explode, which makes all the people in the ring nearly shit theirself. Kane grabs the top rope and pulls himself to the apron, then steps over the top rope to enter the ring. The slideshow starts right back up, until it then stops. "My World" hits over the PA which causes the crowd to boo a little, while some cheer when Jeff Jarrett steps through the curtains. Jarrett steps center stage and raises up a guitar in the air, and the peace sign with his other hand.

Entry #19...From Nashville Tennessee...Weighing...JEFF JARRETT!

Jarrett smirks at Johnny as they walk past eachother on the ramp. Jarrett stops and sets his guitar by the stairs before entering the ring, as the slide show starts up one more time. The tron stops as "Open Your Eyes" by Guano Apes hits the pa system. Nero Phoenix walks out through the curtains, getting a mixed reaction.

Entry #20...From Chicago, Illinois and Weighing 215 pounds, NERO PHOENIX!

Nero Phoenix?...another filler?

Though he no showed, Nero is who Gaz had picked..

Funny how many no shows in a row we have here..

Ya well..The order was really drawn by Jay, but given the rules of the match, someone has to be eliminated before another can enter, Jay had to swap them around a little, otherwise rpers woulda been eliminated before no shows..like, Johnny was actually #23...and Santino was actually #28...just a couple examples..

Nero enters the ring as the brawling rages onward. There's a few close eliminations, like Orton nearly eliminating HBK, Jericho nearly eliminating Dean, and Brutality nearly eliminating Big Show, but the successful one comes when Adam Webb drop kicks Nero out of the ring.

ELIMINATED: Nero Phoenix (Via Adam Webb)

The Tron starts flashing again and comes to a stop, "Don't stop" hits and out comes Rick Cage.

Entry #21...From Detroit, Michigan Weighing in at 227 pounds, RICK CAGE!

Rick sprints down the ramp and slides into the ring, getting into the ring he goes straight for web, just then Big Show grabs Brutality and hits him with a massive show stopper, he then grabs the big man by the hair and lifts him up life a fall away slam before walking to the side of the ring to dump him out but Brutality hangs on, then from no where Kane grabs the legs of Big Show and lifts them sending him over the rope and to the floor, Brutality falling out too!

ELIMINATED: Big Show(Via Kane)

ELIMINATED: Brutality (Via Kane)

Did you see that?! Kane just flung a 500 pound man carrying a 355 pound man over the top rope, that's 855 pounds Steele!

Kane turns around right into a kick to the face from Shawn Michaels, he falls back into the ropes holding his face as the fans cheer, Shawn looks around and shrugs before stepping in and slamming a second Sweet Chin Music to the monster, this one sending him backwards over the ropes and crashing to the floor!

ELIMINATED: Kane (Via Shawn Michaels)

Kane's gone too! Two big kicks from Shawn!

Three quick eliminations!

"King Nothing" is heard after the timer, Cameron Hayden walks onto the stage to booing from the fans.

Entry #22... from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Weighing in at 209 pounds, CAMERON HAYDEN!

eWe Hall of Famer Cameron Hayden makes his entrance to this match at number 22.

I smell a winner here now, Hayden has potential and a good entry spot. He'll be fresh come the end of the match but he'll also be in the grove of the match.

There is plenty of top talent to come out yet though.

Hayden walks down the ramp slowly, in the ring Jeff Jarrett is beating the hell out of Webb, Shawn and Dean are going at it with Orton and Jericho in what is industry vs. their enemies, Rick Cage grabs Jarrett from behind and hits him with a suplex, he grabs Jeff up and tosses him over the ropes, but Jeff catches the ropes landing on his feet on the apron, suddenly Hayden grabs the legs of the veteran and hauls him from the apron to the floor, eliminating him!

ELIMINATED: Jeff Jarrett (Via Rick Cage)

Hayden pulls Jeff to the floor, Jeff is outta here!

Orton nails an RKO on Shawn and then tosses him out but he hangs on, Orton spins around and goes after Dean but Dean fights him off. Hayden gets into the ring and wastes no time dropping Dean and then Orton, then Jericho he grabs Rick and him to the ropes catching him with a sharp powerslam. Hayden gets up and stomps the hell outta Rick before Webb flies in from behind and take Cameron to the mat, Cage gets up and tries to thank Webb, who responds by superkicking him in the face and sending him flying over the ropes and out of the ring..

ELIMINATED: Rick Cage (via Adam Webb)

Hayden staggers to his feet in time to a take a kick to the gut from Webb, Webb lifts Hayden up and slams him down with a scoop slam as "Weclome to the Jungle" is heard, there is no intro though, the fans go nuts as Tiger walks out.

I told you there was alot of quality superstars yet to come out, and here is one of them, the grandslammer, the hall of famer, the legendary White Tiger!

Entry #23... hailing from Rawlins, Wyoming Weighing in at 229 pounds, WHITE TIGER!

Tiger is eager to get to the ring, he charges down and slides into the ring. He gets up catching Webb's foot and spinning him before hitting a clothesline, he turns and strikes Cammy in the face but Hayden returns quickly and the pair exchange blows furiously, Hayden shoves Tiger back and lunges with a clothesline but he catches him and lifts him up with the Payne Killer! The fans cheer as Tiger gets up turning around but walking right into the Codebreaker! Jericho climbs to his feet and looks down gesturing the title around his waist.

That's sending a message right there! Jericho still wants that Tag Team title from Tiger.

Chris had a chance earlier and after a monumental match White Tiger managed to retain his half of the title, Jericho might not like it but now Edge will be forced to defend his half of the titles against an opponent that Tiger picks.

I bet it's someone that Tiger loves, like Rikku or 18 or something, Rikku probably, we know about Luke's failings against Toni.


Back in the action Jericho and Orton are trying to get Tiger out, but they can't 'cause Dean saves the day by low blowing Orton, which is Legal, he then grabs Jericho and throws him into the corner hitting him with lefts and rights, suddenly"The world is dead" hits.

Entry #24 from Detroit and weighing 195 pounds, DANNY DANGER!

Danny walks down the ramp, Webb grabs Dean from behind going for his finishing move, but Dean slips back and hits a backdrop, Dean celebrates with glee but Jericho comes in and nails a bull dog from behind, Danger slides in and walks to Jericho but Chris kicks him in the gut... or lower... sending him down holding his ... gut... Jericho smirks turning around but he walks right into Shawn Michaels who hits a flying lariat. Shawn crotch chops much to the delight of the fans before locking up with Tiger, who takes him down into a headlock.

This really is a free-for-all.

Not much happens but a few people getting stomped on, by the time Danger has recovered from his little accident with Chris' boot "My fears turn to phobias" is heard in the arena. Alexander Frost is expected to come through the curtain, but opts to make his way through the fans and in through the backdoor as it were, Danger is readying himself for the entrance, so is surprised as Froest hits him from behind. Danger staggers and then spins and furiously grabs frost connecting a spine buster, he gets up and catches Shawn hitting him with a standing spien buster onto Alexander, he qwalks away before catch Webb who is charging in and adding to the pile with a third spinebuster. The fans cheer at the carnage.

Entry #25 from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada weighing around 200 pounds, ALEXANDER FROST!

Nice for your debut, get slammed down and then have two other guys land on you.

You probably love that kinda stuff, anyway.

Danger's walk 'n' smash ways nearly cost him as Tiger catches him and sends him over the ropes but he hangs on, and then flies back in to take the legend out. Orton and Jericho are seen in the corner of the ring watching on and forming a plan, which comes together as the pair of them flatten Dean with a double dropkick to the head, "Beverly Hills" is heard in the arena, the fans erupt!

Entry #26, from Hollywood, California, BROOKE MCGUIRE!

Brooke runs down the ramp and slides into the ring, she leap frogs over the back of Shawn Michaels who is struggling to his feet but flies right into a huge clothesline from Randy Orton! The fans boo as the viper looks down to the former women's champion.

BOOM! What a hit by Orton! What a hit!

Orton laughs slightly before pulling Brooke to her feet, he lifts her onto his shoulder and walks to the Edge of the ring trying to toss her out but she grabs on, he stuggles but Tiger breaks it up saving the day for Brooke. Tiger pummels Randy from behind and then tries to punish him by applying the Tiger Snare but Orton pushes him away and connects a thumb to the eye, he turns around just in time to be taken out by Brooke who springs off the ropes and hits a seated senton! The fans cheer for the women.

Orton isn't going to get Brooke out that easy!

Jericho, Adam Webb and Alex Frost are trying to get Dean out but Dean fights them all off, he drops Jericho, then Frost and then Webb, he then grabs Frost and flings him over the ring, running after him but Frost jumps aside letting Dean hit into the corner, Frost then grabs Dean by the head and tosses him over the ropes, but once again the man lands on his feet on the apron, Frost swings but Dean ducks and then shoves him back straight into Michaels who connects with a Sweet Chin!


Frost falls to the floor, Dean is just about to get into the ring when Brooke flies across and jumps into him with a cross body, he catches her in mid air, balancing on the apron, he turns around and walks across the apron to the steps, walking down them he simply places her to the floor, eliminating her. He then walks back up the steps and climbs into the ring like nothing happened, Brooke looks around confused.

What a gentleman Dean is!

What a gentleman?! He eliminated her still!

ELIMINATED: Brooke McGuire (Via Dean Winchester)

"The Enemy" by Godsmack is heard as Brooke slowly makes her way to the back, the fans boo as the former International Champion walks onto the stage, his face tells the whole story, man he's pissed.

Entry Number 27, From Miami Florida weighing in at 235 pounds, MR MAN!

Manny walks down the ramp calmly, in the ring Hayden is grabbed from behind by Dean, Hayden flings him back and swings but Dean ducks it, Dean pushes Hayden back into the ropes and out of no where Tiger runs in and dunks him over with a clothesline!

ELIMINATED Cameron Hayden (Via White Tiger)

Hayden has gone!

Didn't think he'd do well.

What?! You said that he'd win this!

I also said that you were gay, not everything I say is right... or is it?

Shawn Michaels is tuning up the band again for Jericho, he's about to drop him when all of sudden Webb comes in from behind trying to lock in TheSpiderWebb! Shawn stuggles but Webb sinks it in deep, he jumps up and hooks his legs on the hips of Michaels to lock it deep!

He's got him!

All of a sudden Mr. Man grabs Webb from behind having just got into the ring, he tosses the new guy over the ropes with ease, sending him to the floor, Michaels staggers forward holding his neck, Manny grabs him and spins him around, without a pause he lifts Shawn up and drops him with the Future shock, Shawn bounces from the mat back to his feet. Manny grabs him and tosses him out too!

ELIMINATED: Adam Webb (Via Mr. Man)

ELIMINATED: Shawn Michaels (Via Mr. Man)

Webb goes... and Michaels!

To Be Continued
Date: January 31st, 2010
Venue: Reliant Stadium - Houston Texas
Theme: "Get Through This" by Art of Dying
RP Turnout: 37 RolePlays


Gaz: The Croc Pitt

JAY: Sole Survivor Match

Abdul: Christy Vs. Alicia

Luke: Rest of the Card

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[#54] EWE Sole Survivor: January 31st, 2010 Empty
PostSubject: Sole Survivor 2010 Part 4   [#54] EWE Sole Survivor: January 31st, 2010 EmptyWed Aug 17, 2022 1:57 pm

Ladies and gentlemen, we are now down to 10! From now on eliminations will only come by way of Pinfall, submission and disqualification. Thank you.

Danger was trying to push White Tiger from the ring but he gives up knowing it won't do anything, he turns around looking pretty tired, he staggers forward walking right into a codebreaker! He bounces from the knees and staggers back before Orton steps in and drops him with an RKO! He rolls Danger over and hooks the leg 1....2.....3!

ELIMINATED: Danny Danger (Via Randy Orton )

What teamwork that was... I have to admit.

Danger is outta here! This RULES!

"Sinner" hits in the arena to a mixed reaction. Back in the ring Mr. Man looks to the stage for a moment getting distracted, Frost rolls him up but only manages a two, Frost quickly moves on to another targer as he spears Jericho to the mat and goes for another pin hooking the legs 1...2... kick out. 18 makes her way onto the stage slowly, her eyes fixed on Manny.

Entry number 28, ANDROID #18!

We only have two more to come out here and look who we still have in the ring, Dean Winchester number two, Chris Jericho number 3, Orton Number 4, and we only just lost the first entrant, Shawn Michaels.

Webb was 5 aswell and he has only just gone, this match has been going for so long now those three must just all be tired mentally aswell as physically, how they are still battling I don't know.

The members of the industry are once again speaking, 18 climbs into the ring, Manny is the first to charge her down but she boots him in the head, she drops Frost with a right and then drops her buddy White Tiger for the hell of it, he wasn't even charging her, She kicks Jericho in the gut and then hits Orton with a clothesline before suplexing Jericho to the mat. She climbs to her feet and catches Dean's fist twisting it around and then pushing him across the ring.

18 is clearing house here.

She turns around, Manny hits her once, twice, three times but she hardly staggers, she catches his hand and then lifts flings his rm to the side before hitting him with a right of her own, sending him staggering, he comes back and she lifts him into the air hitting him with a huge spine buster, she climbs to her geet and turns around but Frost takes her legs from under her. He then grabs her and tosses her over the ropes to the floor, she's not eliminated but she's outta the way. Tiger catches frost with a belly to belly and then pins 1... Frost gets out with ease.

This is just so fast paced.

18 isn't out by the way, it's only pinfall and submission now.

Randy and Jericho take their chance and stop the hell outta Tiger as he tries to get up, he fights them off but they come back and a knee to the gut ensures they keep on top, they pummel the hell outta him for a few moments and then hit a double suplex. 18 gets back into the ring and breaks up the pin which Jericho is going for, she then lifts Chris into the air and throws him straight into Orton with awesome power, she turns around and is lifted into the air by Mann, going for anothe future shock but she connects a few shots the head with an elbow and slides off shoving him to Frost who kicks Manny in the gut and then lifts him up stepping over his arms and connecting his finisher, the permafrost!


No! That was the permafrost!

I know but on his app he said he didn't know what it was actually called, so I was just saying....

Frost lazily hooks the leg of Manny nodding his head with each count...1.....2.....3!

ELIMINATED: Mr. Man (Via Alexander Frost)

"X Gon' give it to ya" is heard to the delight of the fans, Cairan makes his way onto the stage slowly wearing green amd black, this catches the attention of the pair of indsutry members in the ring who of course, hate DX.

Entry 29, The X-Kid, Cairan Michaels!

Jericho is too busy staring right at Cairan to realise that Tiger is waiting behind him, Tiger spins him around and lifts him up dropping him with a Payne Killer, Orton isn't paying attention as he has his eyes on Cairan too, Tiger hooks Jericho's leg 1....2... Randy turns and sees, diving in but the ref counts 3!

ELIMINATED: Chris Jericho (Via White Tiger)

Chris Jericho is done!

Not a bad effort from Number 3, though..

Orton flips out as he gets to his feet, Tiger gets up too, Orton grabs him for the RKO and connects it perfectly, he spins Tiger over and hooks the legs 1....2... 18 pulls Orton off with one arm lifting him to his feet, Orton pushes her off and in a snap drops her with the RKO aswell, he looks furiously around and then grabs her legs and pins her 1....2....3!

ELIMINATED: Android 18 (Via Randy Orton)

Orton climbs to his feet slowly and looks to Tiger shaking his head, Cairan climbs into the ring and manages to cut Orton off as he zones in for a punt by hitting a clothesline. Cairan pulls Randy up and hits him with a sharp sit down powerbomb holding on for the pin 1....2... Orton kicks out!

Android 18 has gone with that RKO.

So has Orton!

Close, but no cigar, Randy is in it to win it, just.

That was close, very close for the legend killer.

Alexander takes advantage by pulling Cairan up and kicking him in the gut, he grabs his head and places it down between his legs for the permafrost, but Cairan stands up and flips him off, Frost lands hard on his back, he gets up and spins around kicking Cairan again he grabs the arm of the veteran and throws him to the ropes, Cairan hits the ropes and comes back Frost bends but Cairan jumps over with a sun set flip, rolling frost down quickly 1.......2......3!

ELIMINATED: Alexander Frost (Via Cairan Michaels )

That's the end of his debut, anyway.

"AWEEESOOOOOME" booms over the PA as Frost leaves the ring, "I came to play" starts as the 30th entrant makes his way onto the stage a grin on his face, he slowly walks down the ramp looking into the ring. Cairan gets up to watch him but Orton attacks him from Behind and starts to beat him down, Tiger comes in to help Cairan but Orton pushes him back, Dean runs in and hits a clothesline taking Orton to the mat.

Ladies and gentlemen, the 30th and final entrant from Cleveland Ohio, weighing 231 pounds, THE MIZ!

Miz jogs on the spot at the bottom of the ramp, moving his arms back and forward like he's stretching off. In the ring, Dean pulls Orton to his feet and connects the Deal, the fans cheer as Dean smirks before pinning Orton 1....2....3!

ELIMINATED: Randy Orton (Via Dean Winchester )

Dean, who's been biding his time well in this match eliminates the viper! The man who has done so much damage to Dean's friends.

Bitter sweet for Dean, bitter sweet.

Miz climbs onto the apron, Dean runs over and grabs him but Miz hangs him up on the ropes, he crawls in and rolls Dean up 1....2... Dean gets the shoulders off the mat. Miz gets to his feet and backs up, seeing Cairan coming at him he backs into the corner and then cleverly uses Cairans eagernes to spin him into the corner head first, Miz hits a few rights and then turns around right into Tiger who plants him with a belly to belly before pinning 1... Miz kicks out.

We have four left, The legendary White Tiger who came in at 23, The X-Kid, Cairan michaels who was in at number 29, The Miz who is fresh as a daisy having arrived at 30 and Dean Winchester, who's been in since number 2. Who are you picking Justice?

I think there is only one man you can pick, and that's the Miz, because he is AWESOME!

Dean staggers to his feet, Cairan comes in and hits in with a knee to the face taking him back down he goes for the pin but Dean just about gets out in the last millisecond. Cairan shakes his head and climbs to his feet, he turns around right into the Struck down from the top from Tiger! Tiger climbs up looking to Cairan when suddenly Miz runs in and shoves Tiger outta the way, covering the X-Kid! 1.....2......3!

ELIMINATED: Cairan Michaels (Via The Miz )

See, Miz is proving me right already, what a great elimination that was showing his full range of talents, and don't forget that he has already been through a hellacious two out of three falls match against Mr. Man tonight.

Tiger has been in a tough match too, and Dean has been here since number 2, Dean has been in that ring for well over an hour now, and it's starting to show, he looks exhausted.

Tiger is furious as he turns and levels Miz with a right, Miz gets up slowly and takes another and then another backing off to the corner, Tiger beats the living hell outta the Miz who is of course associated with the Industry whom Tiger has so many issues with. Tiger grabs the Miz and sends him over the ring following and splashing him in the corner, he then grasb him and nails a convincing powerslam to the canvas straight away, he grabs the leg 1....2.... Miz rolls the shoulder up.

That was nearly the end for your pick!

Tiger gets to his feet and pulls Miz up tossing him headfirst into the corner, but Miz blocks, elbows Tiger in the gut and bounces his head off of the corner once, twice, three times, he then pulls him back and rips the padding away exposing the metal.

See, This is what happens if you mess with the Miz... take not Steele.

No, come on Miz..

Miz bounces Tigers head off the exposed turnbuckle but Tiger just gets angry and breakes the Miz's grip before planting his head into the metal ring too. Miz staggers Back but tiger grabs him and does it again, the fans cheering, Dean runs in from no where Tiger just gets outta the way and Dean slams into the metal too before falling to the floor bleeding. Tiger them slams Miz off the Metal again before lifting him into the air overhead and gorilla slamming him to the floor, well, no onto Dean actually.. 1....2..... Tiger only realises when it's too late 3....!

ELIMINATED: Dean Winchester (Via The Miz)

Dean is gone in the most unfortunate circumstances..

Tiger has lost it, he needs to be put in a prison.

WT grabs Miz and pulls him into the air but Miz hits a shot to the gut, he climbs up and without a second thought knees Tiger right in the face before connecting with the reality check! Tiger lands hard on the mat next to Miz, neither man moving for a few moments.

You have to get the pin, Miz!

It's probably not the advice of Jimmy, but nevertheless Miz does struggle into a pin, grabbing the leg of the legend 1.....2.... Tiger kicks out as the fans roar!

NO! There is still life in the legend! He is still fighting!

It's just a matter of time, Steele.

Miz stuggles to his feet with the help of the ropes, it's clear he is also bleeding having had his face bashed off the metal ring like 4 times. He pulls Tiger to his feet and sets him up connecting a suplex with amazing speed, he then rolls back and pins again 1....2... Tiger once more has enough energy to get his shoulder from the mat.

The clock is chiming, Steele, can you hear it? The end is near for Tiger.

Miz is getting flustered as he grabs his hair tugging on it, he then gets up and grabs Tiger again pulling him to his feet before turning him away locking in a full nelson he lifts his leg up and tries for the Skull crushing finale but Tiger grabs the ropes, he elbows Miz in the gut and slips under him wrapping his arm over the face of the Miz, the fans erupt as he leans back sinking in the Tiger Snare!


No! Get out of it Miz!

Miz kicks and flails trying to get out but Tiger has it in deep, he pulls Miz back away from the ropes pulling back hard. The fans cheer on as Miz screams his arms flailing around everywhere as he tries to find the ropes, Tiger leans down and with all his might pulls back to crank up the pressure, The Miz screams but won't tap out his arms still going but alot slower.

Miz has no where to go, he's in the middle of the ring.

He can hang on, I know it!

Tiger holds in, it's clearly taking it out of him too, Miz' arms stop moving and fall prone down my his sides, the ref raises one arm and then lets go, it falls, he signals one. He grabs the arm and holds it up again, letting it full to the mat, two....

If that arm drops once more we are done here.

Shut up Steele!!!

The fans start to boo which is confusing as the ref raises his arm again, he lets go and the arm is about to fall but the booing becomes clear as Tiger is hit from behind with a chair, he falls to the floor as the camera pans to show Cameron Hayden is the man holding the chair. He looks down to the fallen Legend and then laughs holding the chair up above his head before beating the hell out Tiger with it, the ref calls the bell.

First Triple H and now White Tiger, what the hell is his problem?

Maybe he was unhappy with his elimination?

The ref speaks to jennifer and then tries to get Hayden away, he throws the chair down and grins before mockingly crotch chopping at Tiger, and then climbing from the ring heading up the ramp without so much as looking back.

Ladies and gentlemen, I've just been informed by the referee that regardless of the interference from Cameron Hayden, by disqualification or by way of knock out through submission, the winner of this match, the man who is going to Wrestlemania Six's main event, The eWe Legend, WHITE TIGER!

The fans cheer as "Welcome to the Jungle" is heard but Tiger doesn't look like a winner as he lays screaming in pain, Hayden turns around on the stage and looks down to Tiger in the ring, smirking wide, the EMTs rushing to the ring.

Regardless of the win, what the hell is the probelm that me there, Cameron Hayden has? He's out of control, he just assualted our champion and now the number one contender, what does he think, he can brutalize his way into a title match?

You don't want to try and get into the brain of that man, his thoughts are unknown to us all...

The fans boo as from the side the curtain bustles, Edge walks onto the stage slowly, he looks at Tiger in the ring and then laughs slightly walking over to Hayden, he pats him on the shoulder to catch his attention. Hayden looks to Edge and smirks, Edge nods and puts his hand out, the pair shake hands as the booing loudens. The copyright information is shown.

|---|END OF FEED|---|

Copyright EWE Sole Survivor 2010
Date: January 31st, 2010
Venue: Reliant Stadium - Houston Texas
Theme: "Get Through This" by Art of Dying
RP Turnout: 37 RolePlays


Gaz: The Croc Pitt

JAY: Sole Survivor Match

Abdul: Christy Vs. Alicia

Luke: Rest of the Card

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[#54] EWE Sole Survivor: January 31st, 2010 Empty
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